I've finished painting a new figure for my collection and have a revamped one done too!
First up theres Rosario Ramirez, Mercenary:
I've finished painting a new figure for my collection and have a revamped one done too!
First up theres Rosario Ramirez, Mercenary:
I was excited to see an email coming through informing me that my copy of Brutal Quest should be heading my way soon and I should have the PDF on Friday!
I've been working on clearing out my mancave today with all manner of junk going to the bin but I've stumbled across my old collection of Rogue Trader gubbins.
Some have been damaged in storage (I'm looking at you Talos unit!) and they all need a bit of work to dust off, touch up and get them into current standards of basing and NMM style paint scheme but it will give me 3-4 new warbands to introduce to the mix which should be fun!
Looking through the forces, I have the following:
Captain Santiago's PDF |
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Dutch's Catachan Jungle Fighters |
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Assault Androsynth Class Combat Droid |
Grod Gutshoota's Blood Axe Brigade |
Midas Blackstar's Pirate Brethren |
It's going to take me a while to get them all fixed up properly but I'm hoping to have at least one done in time for the next battle report so watch this space!
I'm also hoping to finish stripping the paint off a selection of gubbins that I've had for a while now which should give me a better idea of what I've all got to work with but even then, I'm realising that I need to make some more odds and ends to add interest in games in different environments as I'd love to play a game with Vash, Glitterberry and the badly wounded Master Lee having to hold out against a bunch of Genestealers or Kryomek drones until Inquisitor Fisher turns up to save them but just don't have the figures at the moment!
As I've mentioned before, the more I've painted during this lockdown, the more I've played and the more I'm finding myself inspired to plan new games or plan new forces and as I'm keeping it to small warbands of a half dozen or so figures, it's fairly easy to keep the momentum going so who knows what other denizens of Farpoint will make an appearance in the coming weeks and months but in the meantime, All the best!
I managed to play another game of Planet 28 last night so without further ado, on with the battle report:
Both Grizelda and Lee make a break towards the doors to the eastern sector with Grizelda's greater speed allowing her to reach her door first but not having any actions left to try and open the rusting portal.
Meanwhile Vulcan strides towards the nearest salvage and starts rummaging and Mistress Vex moves forward towards the Southern doorway.
Finally Vash ambles toward the central doorway, pausing occasionally to note down some fascinating architectural element, positive that with a bit of work and enough servitors he could put the hulk back together and possibly use it as a base or research laboratory.
Turn two sees Grizelda fail to get the door open on her first try but manages on the second. Meanwhile, Lee has no similar problems, reaching his own door and opening it with ease, preparing to slip through into the next chamber.
Glitterberry reaches the nearby salvage and his keen eyes pick out an interesting shiny piece of tech which he pockets for later. (To simplify things, I decided that instead of having to lug said salvage around, it was enough for either party to have discovered it. In future games it may be fun to have them beating each other up over it but I'm still familiarising myself with the rules so kept it as easy as I could!).
Vex, her sensors detecting movement nearby realises that she must get a move on and rushes the southern door, intent on finding out who the unwanted company is.
Vulcan also discovers his own salvage among the junk and then moves towards the central doorway.
Vash’s sensor array picks up that his party is being scanned and moves as quickly as possible toward the central doorway.
Turn 3 sees Grizelda rush the third scrap pile and discovers the tech. With Mistress Vex's party having secured two of the salvage items to Vash's one, its going to come down to who can break into the central vault first to decide the outcome of the game!
Lee rushes into the cargo hold, and prepares to charge the insane cyborg next round as he wants to introduce to Grizelda to his new technique, Powerfist to Face.
Vex opens the southern doorway and peers through and realises that the salvage in this quarter has already been claimed but decides to continue into her opponents zone to attack them from the rear as her minions attack from the front.
Vulcan moves toward the central door but fails to open it, not realising it is a push door, instead pulling with all his might...
Vash moves towards the central door and prepares to open it next turn, hefting his power maul in preparation for whatever he may find within. Could it be untold riches, priceless archeotech or ancient bottles of booze?
Turn three starts with Lee catching Grizelda as she rushes back to her own deployment zone and delivers a flurry of kicks and punches, taking her down to 10 points of damage. In return, she wounds him with one successful attack but misses her second roll and the swirling melee will continue until the next turn, neither warrior able to land a decisive blow or willing to give way to their opponent.
Glitterberry moves back toward the central doorway, preparing to give covering fire to whoever needs it but unsure who to follow. Does he go to Lee whose distant combat he can hear echoing through the chamber or stick with Vash who is intent on discovering the contents of the central vault!
Vex moves into the southern zone and strides towards the eastern door, aware that at least one of her minions have finally encountered resistance.
Vulcan opens the door and moves in, ready to check the last scrap token.
Vash opens his doorway and charges towards Vulcan but his charge is just short. (Apologies as I seem to have forgotten to take pictures of much of turn three due to the excitement!)
Turn four begins and in a brutal display of insane savagery, Grizelda puts Lee out of action and sprints towards her companions.
Glitterberry flits into the central vault behind Vash and opens fire on Vulcan over Vash’s shoulder but his burst of fire flies wide, the shuriken shrieking harmlessly past the Mechanicus and embedding themselves in the wall behind him.
Vex opens the door to the eastern sector and strides in but is becoming aware that her flanking move is taking far too long and by the time she reaches the central vault, she may be too late.
Vulcan attacks Vash but his combination of poor combat skills and Vash’s heavy armour results in no damage being done to the blonde. (This was a foolish mistake as he should have opened fire with his flamethrower which would have probably torched Vash and damaged Glitterberry!)
In return, Vash swings his power maul but misses but thanks to his lucky roll, then hits and badly damages Vulcan and a second swing takes the flamethrower wielding Mechanicus out of action.
Turn five has Grizelda charge towards the central vault but only manages to get to the doorway in time to see Vash standing over the form of Vulcan.
Glitterberry, sure that his boss will take care of the lunatic begins rifling through the scrap pile and on his second attempt finds the last item.
Vex rushes towards the sound of combat but is cautious as Vulcans icon on her display has just gone dark so caution is required.
Vash pumped up on his last combat, cheerfully charges Grizelda and manages to take her out of combat too with a single swing of his power maul.
The final turn has Glitterberry turn and glance movement behind them and moves out of the vault and seeing Vex opens fire, damaging the begowned Mechanicus but failing to stop her.
Seeing her second minions icon blink out, Vex makes a snap decision, her force has recovered two artefacts and she’s now outnumbered and has now started taking damage. She decides discretion is the best bet and makes a break for Vash’s deployment zone, aware that he has foolishly left his shuttlecraft unattended.
Vash stumbles out of the vault behind Glitterberry in time to see Vex disappear round the corner and off towards his shuttle.
Vash and Glitterberry find Lee and administer first aid to the increasingly scarred martial artist and send a distress signal back to The Shrike, hopeful that Inquisitor Fisher will come to their aid, especially now there is mysterious Xenos tech, rogue Mechanicus and a space hulk to investigate.
Speaking of which, Vash is fairly sure that he’s seen something moving at the edge of his sensor array so hopefully the Shrike will arrive soon before whatever gribbly is is doesn’t decide to probe them…
So there we have it, both sides got two tech items and following the Planet 28 campaign rules, I rolled to see what happened.
Vash survived unscathed and gained 20 experience, Glitterberry earned 13 and Lee survived but has been left with a shattered hand so will be taking a break while his hand heals but still gained 3 experience.
Vex earned 12 experience and has teleported her injured to safety (I gave her an extra five due to her theft of Vash's shuttle!). Vulcan is slowly healing so will miss the next game and earned 3 experience. Grizelda is shaken but thanks to being insane and hopped up on combat drugs is fine and earned 9 experience.
As both parties took two salvage items, I decided to give both 10 points of experience.
Looking back, I should have introduced some roaming monsters to menace the parties and Vex should have stuck with Vulcan as her abilities would have aided him and hurt Vash to boot but her stealing his shuttle seemed apt. Similarly Vulcan deciding to charge the heavily armed and armoured Vash who also outclassed him was foolish and he should have torched him with his flamer. Maybe he didn't want to destroy the last salvage item in a cataclysm of promethium or acted on instinct!
I'm really enjoying playing Planet 28 as it's simple but works really well at representing small skirmishes. I'll have to see what I can get painted for my next game and both sides have earned quite a bit of experience so will see if new companions arrive and if they advance any of their stats!
The Space Crusade board worked really well and with the addition of a few more odds and ends will be making a fairly regular appearance in my games as it has proved to be rather handy for representing combat in buildings or aboard spaceships now but in the meantime, All the best!
I've ventured into town today to get some more superglue to get my Space Crusade themed board sorted for this evenings game but I've been watching the GUERRILLA MINIATURE GAMES Youtube videos of their rather hilarious exploits playing Warhammer Quest and it got me to thinking about just how much fun the game was back in the day.
A little bit of interweb searching has tracked down the original rules and treasure cards and the figures themselves could be tracked down and proxied without much difficulty. It would require a bit of work but could be done.
Do I want to have a go? Well if we have another lockdown (I really hope we do not!) I'd dedicate the time to doing the project justice but I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Brutal Quest, the new narrative fantasy miniatures game by Nic Evans and will try that out first as if it's as much fun as Planet 28, it could scratch the Fantasy itch.
In Nic's latest Kickstarter update he says the books should be with him on Monday and we should get ours soon after and I'll be putting together some fantasy miniature shenanigans for that when it arrives! I am having a bit of a ponder on going for either classic red period GW like my usual style or going for something grittier but I'll see how things go!Hi!
I've got some assorted terrain gubbins put together for my Space Crusade themed board!
Just a quick update today as I've received my paint delivery of the classic Miniatures Paints so will be giving them a bit of a try with some test figures to see if the newer ones are as good as the old ones.
Sadly I managed to spill the first one that I opened in a fit of cack handedness and managed to pour half a pot of metallic green on the kitchen floor. Fortunately its all cleaned up as to have done something so foolish in my usual painting area in the living room would have been most unfortunate to say the least!
In other news, I managed to play out a test game of Blasters and Bulkheads yesterday evening but managed to fluff the rules pretty badly so will try again this weekend when I've had chance to get another read through of the rules themselves. I have to say it was an entertaining game none the less with Vulcan setting fire to Master Lee using his flamer and said martial artist being totally unhurt but ablaze for much of the rest of the game!
I think with a bit more practice of the rules, they could make for a brilliant fun game but the complexity level is a wee bit higher than the likes of Song of Blasters or Planet 28 but the mechanics are good so I'll see how I get on!
In the meantime, All the best!
I've managed to get a couple of figures finished for my upcoming game, namely a new Mechanicus character and one of the notorious Giggles Clan!