Showing posts with label True Atronians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Atronians. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Lockdown Day 55


Here's the latest additions to my painted stuff!

Furst up, here's another Black Tribe robot:

Armed with a scrap blaster and grubby hand, this is a more versatile robot than his two brethren as he can shoot and salvage. Scrap Blasters tend to explode though as they are shoddily made so it makes for an interesting experience playing with these little chaps!

Next up, here's another True Atronian for my War of Ashes Shieldbash project:

This is an official Zombiesmith sculpt and gives my True Atronians some ranged firepower. Sadly I can't seem to get a decent photo of her but her keen eye and bow will give my all girl warband some long range defence against lurking Kuld!

Next up, I've been playing about with a bit of SD scale Battletech sculpting and here's my first completed piece, the Hunter Light Tank:

I went for super simple style as I don't have any interest in spending hours sculpting but would prefer to get them built and painted so I can play some games. It's turned out rather blocky but should fit in with my Mechs once I have them done!

Here's the progress I've made on my mechs:

Currently I've just got the basics of body and legs on them but a couple more sessions should have them finished and ready to paint. Again I've gone for very stylised and simple sculpts but they should do the trick for my own purposes.

While I'm cracking on with the sculpting, I've been playing around with paper standees to allow me to play around with some games of Battletech Alphastrike:

Wilson's Hussars Recon Lance

While not as exciting as miniatures, they are quick and easy to put together and it allows me to sort out a lance of Mechs in next to no time which has been fun and I've even managed to play a third game of Alphastrike with the Hussars managing to pull out a win in their ongoing dust up with the pirates.
Pirate Lance

While I am using the basic and intermediate rules of Alphastrike, it's been quite a lot of fun and I'm going to add some reinforcements for both sides and will try and post a bit of a battle report over the next couple of days.

I'm thinking of using this approach to allow me to play out some other games too, namely Vor: The Maelstrom as I think it would be an interesting approach to trial games and rules without spending the pennies!

Hopefully I'll have lots more gubbins to post up in the next day or so so watch this space!

In the meantime, All the best!

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Lockdown Day 33


Here's a few reinforcements for my True Atronian warband for War of Ashes Shieldbash!

Wilddoe and Fyrdalee

The first is a Wilddoe, a diminutive but rather savage Atronian armed with a double headed glaive whist the second is a spear armed Fyrdalee.

The Wilddoe was a bit of an experiment with brighter colours but it doesn't show too well with the picture unfortunately as it's such a small figureand the hair has gone a wee bit glossy.

Winterberry the Wilddoe

I think in future I'd go for a brighter hair colour to really make the figure pop but hey ho! (I just noticed there's a bit of brown on her finger which will need touching up a bit too as it's decidedly annoying!)

The second figure is that of a Fyrdalee, a spear and shield armed lady who I sculpted myself as I am quite keen on the style of the figures and fancied having a go at sculpting one on my own!
Luna Longspear

I'm rather pleased with how she turned out! Scale wise I think she's fine and I'd just need to give her a tinier waist to fit in better with the rest of the group but it's given me the confidence to have a bash at sculpting some Kuld to menace the True Atronians in a coming mini campaign!

Tomorrow will be another terrain day as I've finished more scatter terrain for my assorted projects and I may even show the first stand of a mini side project that I started today so watch this space.

In the meantime, All the best!

Friday, 17 April 2020

Lockdown Day 25


Today I've spent a bit of time working through my assorted projects and laying out my collection to see what needs done.

As such, I've got the next two members of my True Atronian warband painted for War of Ashes, Shieldbash by Zombiesmith:

Wilddoe and Priestess

As I've already mentioned, I really love the quirky little sculpts as they are very much muppet vikings in style and have lots of character and have been an absolute pleasure to work on.

Here's the warband thus far:

True Atronian Warband

I have another six or seven to paint plus a large riding beastie so suspect that I'll be chipping away at the project for a few days yet. I'm also making solid progress on my Rusty Robots and will post a few pics tomorrow to show how I'm getting on with those little fellows.

I've been struck by how much enjoyment I've been having from the more cartoony or at least stylised figures that I've been working on over the last few weeks and hope to keep the mojo going by finishing the Atronians and the Flintloque boxed set asap and continuing on with my Rusty Robots too.

I'm also becoming more tempted by the prospect of picking up a few odds and ends to keep me entertained as I've noticed a couple of bargains on Ebay so may yet have a few extras to add onto my existing figures. To balance it out, I am going to post up some stuff that I hope to sell off to fund said purchases as I have got a fair few odds and ends that I want rid of but more on that another day, In the meantime, All the best!

Monday, 13 April 2020

Lockdown Day 21


Well I've spent much of today working on building a small peasant shack for my Deadloque project and will get some pics up over the next few days.

As it's looking like the lockdown isn't going to be ending any time soon, I have found myself casting around for another small project that I can complete and tick off the list. At present my gaming table is in pieces as I'm still sorting through my man cave with all our many, many books sorted but still having to get the miniatures and art materials seen to so playing any games is currently out of the question till I have the place fully back in order.

I think I will need to spend tomorrow going through my unpainted lead to see what I have and what I can put together in the coming week as I feel the need to work on some more stuff, preferably themed around a setting or particular rules.

One such mini project that instantly springs to mind is Zombiesmith's War of Ashes, Shieldbash. A few years back I picked up some True Atronians during one of their sales and I painted up a couple of the miniatures but got distracted by various things (I think it was a change of shop location as I was living near Dundee but having to commute to Perth every day looking back at it)

There's something pleasingly Muppet like about the little figures (they are mounted on 20mm round bases!) and I still have about a dozen figures to paint from that little warband so I think I'll rummage out the remainder and get them cleaned, based and primed and see how I get on with them. I highly recommend the rules too as they are rather good and available for free!

I'll need to do a bit of repair work on them too as I am fairly sure that last time I spotted them, they were looking a little bit worse for wear so I'll need to look at them and see what I can do to get another quirky mini project done and dusted.

In the meantime, All the best!