Showing posts with label Aeronef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aeronef. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Still Alive!


Well I've not posted any updates for some time but I have actually had a rather productive few weeks hobby wise as I've had a much needed two whole weeks holiday from work!

With Christmas, New Year sales, Harry Potter nights and all sorts of work related excitement, I must admit that the last two weeks have been bliss and a much needed chance to recharge my batteries, relax and paint some stuff!

I've been sorting through our spare room (or library!) which has been chock full of stuff since we moved last year and it's starting to look habitable but more importantly, it's given me an excuse to sort my unpainted miniature stashes into one relatively small pile and I've found picking up and painting the odd bits and bobs that I have collected over the last few decades rather rewarding.

First up, here's some simple scenics I put together for my upcoming Rogue Trader demo at Waterstones:

 Ultramarines investigate some ruins

While they are nothing too exciting, I had a general lack of ruins for my 15mm scale guys to fight over so put this stuff together over the course of an hour or so using cork tile and sand with a little bit of polyfilla to add texture and quite like how they turned out. I need to make another dozen or so for the demo but it shouldn't take too long to do now I have the process sorted.

Next up, I reworked my Ultramarines to be non metallic in-keeping with how my painting style seems to have developed and even managed to finish the missile launcher trooper which has sat primed but unloved in a box since I was at university!

Heavy Weapon

Better yet, I painted up some thuggish sorts with pistols to represent The Riot Squad, one of the local street gangs on Farpoint as well as a random old lady (who looks like she may have stepped out of Monty Python).
Thugs look askance at a shifty old lady

I really like the expression on her face and although the sculpting is rather chunky, she looks the part (ironically she's supposed to be a small child but looks far better as an old cantankerous lady). The gangers are rather fun, although their guns are a bit oversized and have lots of character.

I've also finally found time to paint up my SD adventuring party for Somewhere on the Border!

Bold Adventurers

These are all original sculpts by myself and painting them has got my fingers literally itching to make some more as I really enjoyed painting them!

But there's more! I also finished a Dwarf Technomancer and her robotic minion!

 Shoot him in the face Clyde!

I've also got a sinister rusty rogue robot finished!

Dakka Dakka Dakka!

He's going to be seeing use in several games in the not too distant future, both as an Ork dreadnought in 15mm scale and as a rogue Golem in Somewhere on the Border.

There's more! I've been humming and hahing about trying to put together a 28mm scale fantasy army for some time which got me thinking about my old Leviathan project which got me rummaging for bits which resulted in me painting up some stalwart Dwarves!


Yes, Leviathan is getting a bit of a fresh look at and I'm just going to concentrate on painting stuff and enjoying the retro charm of the classic and characterful sculpts.

Finally, I've got some Aeronef painted for a bit of a random side project that's been rattling around in my head for quite some time too.

Imperial Patrol Nef

It's a bit of a random one that I suspect will be a slow one to develop but has thus far been rather fun to paint my way through.

Kahuna Island Nef

You may notice that I have four different projects all on the go at once but it seems that is just how I roll and it's stopping me getting bored with any one project and I must admit that I've surprised myself with just how much stuff I have managed to paint my way through in the ongoing challenge to clear my unpainted leadpile.

With this in mind, I suspect that I will be flitting around in a similar style for the rest of the year but it's keeping me working at painting and enjoying my hobby and that's the main thing!

All the best!

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Aeronef Anyone?


Well the unpacking is going well and thus far, my miniatures collection seems to have survived the move pretty much intact!

As part of my ongoing obsession with lesser used wargames, I've been perusing Aeronef. Produced by Wessex Games, Aeronef is a game of aerial combat between Victorian era flying battleships and a large selection of ships have been produced by Brigade Models.


Many, many moons ago, I picked up a starter pack and painted up the British fleet to a rather guff quality and then promptly threw them into a box in frustration. Skip forward several years, I stripped the paint off the figures and fully intended to paint them to a more acceptable standard but sadly never got past the one ship, a really tiny Abingdon class British gunboat:

Abingdon Gunboat on patrol

In my new urge to try out some of the many rulebooks that I have kicking around, I've been pondering trying out the game as the mechanics look pretty straightforward and could be rather fun. The only problem is that I have no budget for new figures but have been bitten by the sculpting bug (my Endless: Fantasy Tactics project has proved to be rather enjoyable thus far but more on that later!)

With that in mind, I am thinking about trying to sculpt up a couple of small flotillas to mix it up over Imperial holdings on Mars...

We shall have to see what I can put together but I've got some ideas that need to be tried out!

I'll be posting an update on my Endless: Fantasy Tactics project over on my Somewhere On The Border blog tomorrow so do check back!

All the best!

Friday, 10 April 2015

Syntha Update!


Well its almost the weekend again and with the culling of the excess blogs, the creativity seems to have returned as I have finished a few more bits and bobs that have been lying on my painting table for a while now!

 Syntha Mechs

Not only have I added a second tactical Androsynth to the completed pile, but I've even added an Assault T-Synth!


Armed with mighty Tesla Claws, the Assault T-Synth is capable of tearing through even the toughest of armour and I even had a bit of a shot at adding a little effect lighting to the blades as the original silver just didn't look right.

 Chunky Chap

I must admit that I am really pleased with the finish on him as the last couple of attempts I made at painting a T-Synth in the iconic Syntha bone and black went horribly wrong. While the styling may not be to everyones tastes, I do like the sleek finish as its a refreshing change from the more run down and beaten up look of Rogue Trader.

 Synths, large and small

You may notice that I reworked the bases from the basic black sand. Looking at them I realised the whole model was a bit bland so added the desert base which gives a good bit of contrast. It also means they will be seeing action against on Farpoint at some point in the not too distant future!

Taking a bit of a break from the big guys, I painted up a test piece for a 15mm Syntha Prosthene:

 That Way!

As I am far more likely to actually get a game in 15mm scale, I thought it might be a plan to paint up some proxies so I can have a bash of the rules in a slightly smaller scale. By happy coincidence, the T-Synth makes a handy heavy power armour or mech unit in the scale too!

 Prosthene Sergeant

I copied the colours for the most part but added a brighter green visor to make the figure pop a bit more and am rather pleased with the result. He should be getting joined by a squad or so in the coming weekend!

Thats not all though! Many moons ago, I bought some Aeronef with the intention of running a bit of a campaign but as with so many projects, progress ground to a halt. Until yesterday that is. I happened across some of the smaller ships and on a whim painted up one of them on a round lipped base and am quite heartened with the results:

Small British gunboat

I am hoping to paint up the rest as and when the whim takes me as I have enough for a bit of a flotilla and quite like the look of the little ships too!

Who knows, maybe I will one day finish them all!

Hopefully I will be just as productive this evening and will be able to add an update over the weekend too!
All the best!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Aeronef Progress


Well its been a very busy end to the week with me beavering away on commissions while filling in application forms which require one to use all manner of bumf to big themselves up to their prospective employer!

Still I have managed to complete two nefs for my British flotilla!

 Exeter Class Cruiser

 Rwalpindi Class Colonial Cruiser

Group Shot!

I must admit I have rather enjoyed painting them and the rigging adds a pleasing finishing touch to them as well. Sadly I haven't managed to locate any stands yet so am thinking of ordering some over the coming week. Its a strange experience painting such small things as theres no highlighting, just a quick wash with ink. I also tried to go for flat colours which suit the models too. 

Speaking of which, I ran out of black paint the other day and nipped into Hobbycraft to get some more. Oddly they seem to have stopped selling GWs stuff but do sell Revell Aqua Colour. Having never used the stuff before I was rather reluctant to buy any but needs must and I am glad I did! The black has a brilliant, matt finish that I have struggled to find in other paints. The only downside is the pot which is ridiculously designed!

I am hoping to get the first three Dwarves finished today too so there may be a bit of an update later on!
All the best!