I've been busily beavering away at getting a figure that I'd sculpted yesterday painted and have finished him at last but now need to wait on getting his base finished before I can post pictures tomorrow so in the meantime I thought I'd have a quick look through my sci-fi skirmish collection to see if there's any other rulesets I could try out and I've found quite a few!
Looking at my collection of painted miniatures, I have lots of random gubbins but not much in the way of an organised army or even warband, other than my Orks who are still decidedly under strength for anything more than a small skirmish but with my assorted characters I'm wondering if I can put them to use to try out some of the games I've mentioned.
Over the years I've collected a ton of rulesets and now that I'm finally getting some small forces forming, I thought I'd have a go at using an assortment of them to play a narrative campaign based on a series of encounters with warbands forming, breaking up, new ones arriving and whatnot.
It may be a bit of a challenge to get the different rules to work with a distinct theme to each force but I kind of like the idea of using each to try out different types of games.
There's also Stargrave due out soon to look forward to and the reviews I've watched thus far (check out GUERRILLA MINIATURE GAMES review for a great breakdown of the game and Ash is going to be using Rogue Trader era figures for his warbands too!) are looking good so I hope to incorporate that too once I can get my hands on a copy at work when I return.
With all these somewhat nebulous plans in mind, I realised that I needed to bulk up on themed warbands a bit. My previously mentioned Orks are coming together nicely and my newest sculpt should add to them too and has given me the confidence to make a few more too but looking at my Imperials, I kind of want to add a few more security troops and specialists as well as making some assorted villains and ne'er-do-wells so populate my games and give the good guys something sinister to do battle against so while I'm painting my way through my existing collection (the unpainted pile is rapidly depleting!) I'm also going to see if I can find the odd baddie miniature, be they muties, sinister cultists or whatever.
I plan on starting small by using games like my own Song of Blasters and Planet 28 as I can get away with really small forces and using other such games like Flying Lead, Fear and Faith, In the Emperors Name before working up to some of the slightly larger skirmishes like VOR and Void.
Many of these games have a custom force generator allowing me to easily create forces based on the figures I have and make them broadly similar in games no matter what system I use but for those that don't I think it should be fairly straight forward to use pre-existing model stats that are similar to my own.
We shall have to see how I get on but I'm really enjoying myself with my hobby and that has been fantastic as I've needed something to help stay sane in the months long lockdowns!
In the meantime, All the best and hopefully tomorrow I'll have some more figures completed to show!