Showing posts with label Dragon Rampant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragon Rampant. Show all posts

Monday, 17 February 2025

Rank and File Fantasy Pondering


I've got my second batch of Orcs for Longmyre finished and ready to photograph and have started on some character models too but alas I've run out of daylight to get photos so I'll need to leave that particular update until my next day off!

My previous post has got me to thinking about the possibilities of a rank and file sort of fantasy project but this has left me with a bit of a quandary as I am fully aware that undertaking such a project is utter lunacy! 

I've got an absolute ton of wonderful wargaming rules that would make for a great basis for a mass battle style game and I've also got the options of going smaller scale be it 15mm, 10mm or 6mm which would save both time and a great deal of money but still the hankering for a bit of a blast from the past keeps raising its dreaded head and the urge to do a proper Oldhammer style army in full 28mm scale.

While I'd love to do a massive mental 4th edition Fantasy battle (or more likely 6th edition which is much more streamlined and less mental character wise), I do have some sense and am aware that such a project is impossible.

Similarly I've got a few much more original rulesets that would make for an exciting project in its own way but I still have the problem of the feasibility of such a project as the figures required are pretty unique and getting in some cases getting either hard to find or expensive (not to mention in the case of Leviathan, massive resin monsters!). While proxies are doable, they lack the originals uniqueness which is the very thing that draws one to the game!

One other option that I'm thinking of exploring is the generic games which would possibly be a nice compromise between the assorted bits and bobs I'd previously mentioned. Both Oathmark and Dragon Rampant tend to use smaller numbers of figures, be it regiment size or overall armies.

Similarly, the rules are pretty streamlined and modern which allows for games to be played quickly and keep me engaged while incorporating forces that wouldn't be out of place in the more niche, unique games that I love the setting of.

With this in mind, I am going to dip my toe in the waters in a decidedly limited way and possibly try to paint up a regiment of 10-12 figures and see how I get on. I think they'll be based in the growing unrest that is happening in Longmyre as part of my ongoing low fantasy campaign!

We'll see how it goes but if nothing else, I'll have some reinforcements for my skirmishes!

In the meantime, All the best!

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Wolf Riders!


Just a quick update this evening with a few stands of 6mm Goblin Wolf Riders!

I've been tempted by Warhammer Fantasy Battle and instead of giving into the rather pointless endeavour of trying to collect, let alone paint a 28mm army, I've settled on rummaging out some 6mm goodies instead!

 Fresh from the Worlds Edge Mountains

Ironically they are actually Orcs riding wolves and produced by Irregular Miniatures but in 6mm scale one can get away with playing a bit loose with what figures are supposed to be.

I must admit that the sculpts looked a bit uninspired until I primed them black and then drybrushed them grey and my goodness didn't the detail suddenly appear. They are actually wonderfully detailed little sculpts that ooze character with snarling little faces, gnarled knuckles holding reins and lots of nice little bits and bobs that made them a pleasure to work on!

Better yet, in 6mm scale I can field quite a few for pretty much nothing and an entire army would cost only a few quid so what's not to like!

I was gifted these little fellows about ten years ago by a follower of my Leviathan Blog (I'm so sorry I can't remember who it was!) and it's taken me till now to work on them but hopefully I'm doing the little guys justice.

I've got a few wolf chariots and infantry to paint too so we shall have to see how the whole force looks like once it has been painted but I have to say it is quite a nice way to put together an army quickly and cheaply and it has got me ruminating on painting up some Empire troops to fend off the greenskinned menace.

Looking at what I have, I think I can play a nice wee game of Dragon Rampant using the stuff I have so it might be fun to work towards playing a mini campaign over the summer, especially as it took me a couple of hours to paint a small host of figures!

In other news, I have rummaged out my Eldar and begun work on one of them and have almost finished an Ork in 28mm as well as a sinister Chaos chappy. The scattergun approach once again seems to be working quite well for me as I plow through all manner of random stuff and continue to enjoy myself immensely whilst actually starting to reduce my unpainted pile.

We shall have to see how I get on over the weekend with my assorted bits and bobs but I'll post updates as I get the chance but for now, All the best!

Monday, 27 November 2017

Micro Fantasy


As I've been sorting through my unpainted gubbins over the last few days, I found my Horned Folk warband that I started a couple of years back and have been humming and haahing about what to do with it.
A Horde of Horned Folk

I like the round bases but it doesn't really suit itself to massed fantasy games but I did begin wondering if I could use it for skirmishes using Song of Blades or warband level battles using Dragon Rampant.

Small Wartower

I've got an eclectic mix of Heavy infantry and warbeasts at the moment so need to diversify it a bit as well as working on my Grey Elf host to oppose it but as I have all the miniatures, I figure it would fit in well with my aim to start clearing through my lead (and plastic) pile.

Minotaur Legion 

I must admit that I am rather relishing getting on with some small scale stuff after the big guy I am working on at present is finished and I think I could churn out a second Beastkin regiment of four stands in next to no time and with just one Wartower to finish painting, I think that my weekend is set!

Raiders from the Ancient Labyrinths of Aeroth

I figure I can play out a decent game of the likes I've mentioned on the small board I have and just need to put together some more suitable scenics such as ancient forest groves and an entryway into their Barrow City...

Wartower Rampage!

Something else I've been ruminating on is to add a larger wartower or two featuring some arcane ancient tech to give the Horned Folk a nice centrepiece to their army but we shall have to see if I have anything suitable in my bits box that can be converted to use!

A Horned Folk column on the march

I'm also keen to get back to work on the Grey Elves I had started but I must be honest that cleaning and converting Irregular Miniatures is a bit of a chore as I have to remove their small and bendy halberds and replace them with wire spears while the chariots need converting too and lets not even mention the cavalry...

Grey Elves

I have discovered that I still have a 6mm Orc, bits and pieces of a Lizardman and Goblin armies from Irregular but I'm really not liking their strip of figures approach. It's fine for Warmaster type of games but not really ideal for my approach but I may be able to put together some useful bits and pieces from them from time to time without getting completely disheartened with the effort.

In other news, the big guy I've spent most of the last week painting is getting there with only one weapon and his legs to detail. Sadly I don't have a base big enough for him but I don't see that being too much of a problem at the moment and I'll post some pics this weekend of him once he's finally completed!

In the meantime, All the best!