Showing posts with label Oldhammer Skirmish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oldhammer Skirmish. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Project Log Day 16: The Lure of Oldhammer


Today I find myself in a bit of a quandary. I'm really enjoying my current projects with progress being scattergun in style but for all that successful as I'm painting, sculpting and generally staying hobby productive and sane during this lockdown. 

But despite all this, I am finding myself perusing all manner of Oldhammer gubbins. Maybe it's just the siren song of seeing all the awesome blogs out there or wanting to relive the heady excitement of my teens but even though I've posted about wanting to move on from GW gubbins, I keep finding myself drawn back.

I'm loath to succumb to the temptation of going back to either 40k or Fantasy Battle but there's something compelling about all those brightly coloured miniatures, lush scenery and classic sculpts. Sadly the cost of such a project seems to be getting beyond my budget these days and the sheer amount of time and effort it would take for such an undertaking is also I suspect beyond me.

This isn't deterring me though as I find myself still sorely tempted! I wonder if other folks find themselves tempted by projects they know are beyond them but still have a bash at them. Is there a way of channelling this enthusiasm or do I need to just resist temptation and just keep cracking on with my own stuff?

The only way I can see to get around my quandary is to pick up a couple of odds and ends and try to paint them and see how I get on. Maybe I can shoehorn such a scheme into an existing project, be it turn a 40k themed warband into something for Stargrave or Star Mogul or try out some small fantasy side project for some retro fanboying...

At present I have enough to keep me entertained for a while but I shall see how things go and if I do cave in to the temptation, hopefully it will be of interest to folks!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Elven House Helios Axeman


Just a  quick update this morning as we are heading out to Loch Lomond for a day out!

Following on from my post yesterday, I have finished up a second 28mm scale Elf. Wonders will apparently never cease as it too has turned out quite nicely!

Elven Axeman

He's a Dragonelf originally produced by Heartbreaker Miniatures and picked up in Macs Models back in the late 90s and painted pretty badly. He since has been sat in a box for over a decade having been stripped with the intention of repainting him. 

I must admit I didn't start out with the intention of giving him such bright gloves but I think it really works and the miniature itself is absolutely lovely. I have a few more kicking around somewhere and I am actually looking forward to painting them up too. 

The use of the black primer followed by a drybrush of grey and white really seems to be working for me at the moment and I am considering using it to paint up the rest of the stuff I have kicking around in my unpainted lead pile!

In other news, I will be posting another blog entry this evening with an aim to sorting out what I am doing with my two blogs but more on that later this evening!

All the best!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Oldhammer Skirmish Part 2, Elven Leader


Well after all my humming and hahing, I finally took the plunge and painted up a 28mm figure last night and to my immense surprise, he turned out quite nicely!

Elven Leader

He's originally from Grenadier I think and I have had him for years now. Originally painted back in the day, stripped and painted again before being stripped once again and primed last year, he's been through the wars a bit and theres a few rough bits showing on the figure once he's been painted but I have finally painted a 28mm scale figure and been reasonably happy with the result.

I had primed him black and given him a drybrush of mid grey and then white following an article I spotted over on Kings Miniatures a while back but he then sat in a box for a considerable time. Maybe its this technique that works for me as he almost seemed to paint himself and was done in about 90 minutes.

Buoyed by this success, I then tried to paint a Chainmail Orcy figure but gave up halfway as the finish was terrible. Maybe it was the black primer or just a more modern miniature but I found this terribly disheartening. 

This morning I have rummaged out a few Wood Elves that have been in my collection for just as long as this chap and plan on trying the same technique again to see if it works again. If so I should have a small warband of some of the classic figures I have had for about 15 years or so repainted to a standard I am actually happy with!

In other news, my Slann warband is nearing priming with just a couple more small details to add before the paint is applied!

All the best!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Oldhammer Skirmish Part 1: The Border Princes


Having settled on trying out an Oldhammer skirmish, I thought I should try and flesh out the setting a little!

Having read the 3rd edition background, I must admit I find myself unable to restrain the temptation to tinker somewhat with the setting as I still find it a bit too depressing to use as is. I know its supposed to be a bit grim but one can only cope with so much before being put off. 

Therefore heres my take on the Border Princes:

 The Border Princes is the name given to the vast area of land that lies between the Black Mountains and the Black Gulf. This rather barren region had always been sparsely settled until the time of the founding of Bretonnia (approx. IC1000), when Bretonnian nobles and adventures fleeing from wars within the Empire struck out to settle what was know as 'The Badlands'. For almost a century these adventurers waged war against Goblins and other evil creatures occupying the land, but eventually succeeded in driving their enemy back to Blood River - the current border of The Badlands.

The inhabitants of the Border Princes are a hardy bunch and occupy a number of fortified towns and cities throughout the region and often feud amongst themselves or the various robber Barons who occupy the borders of Bretonnia and the Empire and spend their time raiding south for fun and profit.


To the East, the Dwarves occupy their great Hold of Karaz-a-Karak and dream of one day retaking their lost mountain empire and have begun reforging links with the other great hold in the region, Karak Eight Peaks, a hold that has survived despite constant sieges from greenskins for over a century. The combined forces of these two holds have become known as the Hammer and the Anvil as Kazak-A-Karak excels at offensive operations and Karak Eight Peaks at defence. When combined these two forces are a match for any foe that they meet. 

Consequently, several smaller holds have been reoccupied between the two and even now parties of Dwarven Tunnel Guards sweep ever deeper into the ancient depths to root out bands of Orcs, Goblins and vile Skaven. This ongoing campaign has taken a great amount of resources and the Dwarves have encountered fierce opposition but are slowly retaking the depths and expanding their influence to the West. 

Upper Reaches of the Black River

This influence is bringing trade in the form of ore, finely made weapons and pricey jewellery from the holds to the Border Princes city states and in return, supplies of grain, livestock and even hardy adventurers in search of fame and fortune heading back to the mountains.

This increase in wealth has been noted by the robber Barons and convoys have been raided with increasing frequency and they are now protected by a strong force of caravan guards comprising of Human, Dwarven and even Elven free companies.

Human raiders are the least of the worries of the Border Princes though. Tribes of Orcs and Goblins, driven south over a century ago have begun raiding north into the border territory from the Badlands and several smaller towns and villages have been sacked by rampaging warbands. Consequently the Border Princes have been flexing their newly wealthy muscle and hiring mercenary armies to strike back at the greenskin menace and the Border country has become awash with fortune hunters, disgraced nobles and deserter bands in search of employment. 

The Worlds Edge Mountains

Not surprisingly this powder keg has seen a number of battles between city states and rumour has it that the might of the Empire will be sent south to annex the region to stop the conflict from spreading and purely by coincidence, give the Emperor access to the Dwarven trade routes.

Unbeknownst to the Humans, the Skaven council of 13 has formed an alliance with the evil Dwarves of Black Peak. These degenerate and mutated Dwarves were turned to Chaos by the Skavens poisoning of the water supply with Warpstone in times past and now these foul mockeries of Dwarves supply dark weapons of war to the very creatures that caused their fall and even to the Greenskins who battle their own kin.

Caravan Route, The Border Princes

The Skaven have been driven from their burrows in several regions of the Worlds Edge Mountains but the great dens of Fester Spike and Putrid Stump are sending waves of vermin along their subterranean passages towards the Dwarven holds and even now a horde of Skaven under the command of the Grey Seer Sqveek Viletongue is preparing to assault the Dwarven hold of Karak Izor.

If this hold falls, one of the few safe passes from Bretonnia and the Empire will be closed and the Border Princes will be cut off from aid from the great human kingdoms of the north. Already packs of Clan Eshin Gutter Runners have been fighting a running battle with Dwarven miners deep in the mines of Karak Izor and the holds ruler, Cael Steelmaul has mobilised his army to repel the ratmen but his forces are vastly outnumbered.

This is the state of the Border Princes in the year IC 2415. 

Whee! As you can see there's plenty going on in the Border Princes and I hope to get to work on some warbands soon too. Sadly despite this project giving me lots of inspiration, its not got me painting 28mm scale yet, mostly because I just don't have the space to game it. The solution will just have to be to crack on with it in 15mm scale as I am busily constructing a 2x3 foot board that will be perfect for skirmishes and even larger battles in 15mm scale as it equates to roughly 6x4 in 28mm scale and am using THIS ARTICLE from Realm of Chaos by Orlygg to good effect!

All the best!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Oldhammer Skirmish?


As much as I am enjoying my 15mm scale Slann Warband, I still find myself perusing some of the Oldhammer blogs and gazing with envy at the fantastic 28mm scale miniatures contained within.

I still have a decent sized bits box kicking around which is heaped full of 28mm lead but haven't managed to find any way to inspire myself into painting them.

In fact, looking back at my blog, I haven't managed to paint any 28mm scale gubbins since these fellows over a year ago:

 Chaos Warriors

I have been thinking about the possibility of using the likes of Warhammer Quest or Advanced Heroquest to get me going but even that seems to have failed to get me to do much more than have a rummage around in the vague hopes of finding something to paint to get me started.

Sadly this hasn't really worked as my 15mm painting has kept me very much entertained instead which brings me onto the reason for my rambling blog entry. I have been wondering about the feasibility of using the 3rd edition Warhammer rules in conjunction with Mordheim to create some very characterful little warbands that will give me the push I need to paint up some of my stuff that is currently sitting unpainted in a box.

 Dark Elf 

Re-reading both Mordheim and the older Warhammer rulebooks, theres lots of really interesting concepts that would be great fun to expand upon but some of the forces, especially the likes of the Undead are a bit too powerful (why have a Vampire as the leader and then arm him with a halberd, a singularly unvampire like weapon!)

Therefore, I plan on using the basic rules of Mordheim but with an Oldhammer mod to create some more interesting warbands and see what I can come up with. I am also thinking of setting the action amongst the chaotic Border Princes which form the southern border of the Empire. This will give me plenty of opportunities to play around with the ever shifting factions and petty warlords who rule of this lawless region.


Hopefully I will have some success in rummaging the bits boxes and see what I can find!

All the best!