I've managed to get a quick game in this evening pitting my fledgling Bauhaus force against the Battleaxe Brigade Mercenaries!
Bauhaus Megacorp has limited resources on Farpoint as it's largely arid landscape is far from the lush forested worlds that they usually occupy but the rich Promethium finds in the tropical equator region of the world has caught their attention. Sadly they aren't the first to arrive and the scout team has discovered a Con-Am Megacorp facility that has seen recent signs of being put back into operation. As they close in on the facility, they realise the place is being guarded by the infamous Battleaxe Brigade, a heavy power armour equipped force that is more than a match for their light infantry.
Unfortunately the Battleaxe Brigade's sensors have spotted the Bauhaus Jaeger squad and it's supporting mech and has engaged them before they can retire now it's vital that the heavily outgunned Bauhaus force retreat from the heavier armoured force but before they go, they want to give the mercs a bloody nose.
I tried out this combination of forces to see how A Song of Blaster would cope with a heavily outgunned force that had the advantage of cover and rather enjoyed playing around with the rules and although the Bauhaus were rather feeble in comparison to the mighty Battleaxe Brigade, they gave a very good account of themselves!
The Bauhaus force lost the initiative early on and never really got it back with the heavy mercenary force splitting up to catch them in a pincer movement using their superior maneuverability and armour. Early on the Bauhaus troops moved forward into the cover of the forested area but with their Forester skill, they moved unhindered through the heavy terrain which provided them with extra cover against the mercenaries guns.
Battleaxe troops score an early kill taking down the Bauhaus mech and a Jaeger with heavy fire.
The Bauhaus mech was rather heavily armed but got itself shot to pieces by the two mercenaries in the ruins who piled rapid fire into it before it exploded. It could have easily gone the other way though as the Bauhaus mech scored hit after hit on the mercs with both it's assault shotgun and beam but poor dice rolling saw it get taken out before it did much more than chip the oppositions paint.
Battleaxe positions early in the game
At this point, things were looking pretty grim for the Jaegers, especially when the mercenaries hit them with repeated rocket volleys but they weathered the storm of fire and in a withering return of fire, managed to blast one enemy trooper to pieces and badly damage the second.
Battleaxe Drones do nothing!
Possibly the worst unit in the game was the Battleaxe Brigade's drone support which consistently failed to activate for most of the game. I suspect Bauhaus tech's managed to jam their CPU's!
Dakka Dakka! Kaboom!
Sadly despite their best efforts, the second mercenary unit swept around the Bauhaus troops rear and a withering volley of fire from the damaged but still shooting trooper in their front saw the squad lose two more troops at which point they were forced to withdraw before being wiped out.
Drone view of the battlefield
Despite getting beaten, the Bauhaus did remarkably well against their heavily armoured opponent and I suspect that a second squad toting a missile launcher is going to be getting added to my fledgling force soon.
The Battleaxe Brigade on the other hand worked very well together and I really need to add a fifth member to the squad to round out the force. I've also got a couple of techs and some security types to paint up to represent rear echelon forces for their opponents to shoot up when the opportunity arises!
All in all, I had another good fun game with the rules I'm working on and better yet, it's inspiring me to keep working on it and add to the forces I currently have, not to mention giving me ideas for new units to add to the mix in the coming year!
Hopefully I'll get another game in tomorrow evening as a game of A Song of Blasters generally runs for 20-30 minutes!
In the meantime, All the best!