Showing posts with label Vongola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vongola. Show all posts

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Lockdown Day 73


I've managed to get the last two of my Dwarven Land Ironclads finished at last!

Firestorm Class Rocket Ironclad and Battle Forge Class Command Ironclad

The Firestorm is a development of the Anvil class Ironclad which the Dwarven engineers have developed to give their landfleet a long range support vehicle. Armed with a battery of Firestorm rockets which give the vehicle its name as well as two sponson guns to give it some direct fire defences, the Firestorm is a rare design still undergoing trials but the fearsome amount of devastation it can bring upon its target is making it a popular choice in Dwarven expeditions.

Battle Forge

The Battle Forge is an old design amongst the Dwarven Landfleet as most of its firepower is concentrated on the vehicles flanks giving a terrifying broadside but only one heavy turret mounted on a turret with a limited traverse means that it often struggles to bring its full weight to bear when in the defensive form of combat the Dwarves tend to rely on. Combined with a traction assembly that is barely able to move the behemoth at much more than a walking pace means that it is only a matter of time before this class is retired for the newer and more advanced designs.

With that being said, the Battle Forge is a venerable design, still popular with its crew so it is expected to be in service for some time to come.

I've had this vehicle for a while in pieces as it just didn't look right being so tall and stubby but I finally decided to get it painted and into a game as a somewhat obsolete design that till trudles around blasting at stuff.

I think the problem is that I should have gone for a 40x60mm base and stretched the thing a bit with longer tracks and a lower hull which I suspect will be how my next heavy hitter will be based once I finalise a design for it!

Here's the Battle Forge compared to the Capo di Capo from the Vongola city state:

Capo di Capo and Battle Forge

Both are older designs which rely on broadside volleys to crush their foes with only a single turret mounting heavy guns with a traverse. Game wise, the Battle Forge will be a bit of a beast with tons of guns and armour but moves at a snailspace.

Speaking of games, here's a few shots of the two full armies in action:

Vongola and Dwarven landfleets engage

I'm going to try out a game of my own devising in the next day or two which takes elements from Song of Blades, Full Thrust and several others to see how the two armies work. I do need to look at putting together some infantry and cavalry but am not too sure how they'd fare against the destructive power of such mighty iron beasts!

Lancia class Ironclads

I'm interested in seeing how a fast but not very well armoured force works against a very heavily armoured but slow one. I suspect that I'm going to have to finish the last two of my Vongola heavy ironclads to even things up a bit as the Dwarves have currently got the advantage in firepower.

I'll also need to get some more scale suitable scenics finished as the two landfleets need some objectives to fight over too!

Dwarven Ironclads and Gyrocopters engage a formation of Lambo class Vongola ironclads.

I have got some small steamtanks for each side and really should get them painted up too but feel it's important to see how the bigger vehicles cope. There's also some more air assets for the two forces needing painted up but I shall get round to that eventually too.

 Dwarven and Vongola heavies steam towards each other

I have also got my Orcs who will play very differently from both of my existing fleets as they use living transport in the form of giant lizards but they need quite a bit of work before they are a suitable fighting force of their own so maybe I should aim to get them done at some point in the coming months.

 Vongola Zephyrs scream towards a lumbering Dwarf dig bomber

Looking at the original forces from Leviathan, I still need to work on designs for the Barbarians and the Elves, not to mention a host of other interesting races and factions who are vying for control of Aeroth too...

Vintage Aerial picture!

In other news, I've finished the papertech versions of the light and medium Mechs from the 3025 tech readout:


Clint, Hermes 2, Vulcan, Whitworth, Blackjack, Hatchetman, Phoenix Hawk
Valkyre, Firestarter, Jenner, Ostscout, Panther, Assassin, Cicada
Locust, Wasp, Stinger, Commando, Javelin, Spider, Urbanmech

I'll try and get the heavy and assault mechs done next so watch this space and they will be added to my Papertech page asap!

In the meantime, All the best!

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Lockdown Day 36


With all the gubbins I've been working on over the last month or so I've found myself with a hankering to work on my Leviathan stuff.

There seems to be a bit of interest in the game all of a sudden, especially over on facebook which has been great to see and I am looking to get some of my assorted Aeroth themed projects worked on.

Of these, the furthest forward is my SD scale Boar Company:

Flint, Marik Goldhelm and Grimli

Over the years the Boar Company has fought a series of skirmishes with the rogue sorcerer, Marik Goldhelm and I've really enjoyed building the little chaps but have realised that I've not made anything for them in absolutely ages which I really need to do something about!

Boar Company on patrol

Next up, there's my 2mm Land Ironclads which are themed around my version of Leviathan:

Vongola Zephyrs bomb Dwarven Ironclads

I've got quite a few bits and bobs painted up for each force but my Dwarves need a few odds and ends added before they are complete and my Orcs need lots of infantry and cavalry, not to mention more Wartowers which I'll need to sculpt.

Necrosaur Wartowers face off against Dwarven Ironclads

Finally, there's my 28mm scale stuff that I've slowly been painting up over the last while:

Dwarves fighting an Elf Dragonbane

These have been both an old project and a new one which I've rather enjoyed working on. But how do I combine them together into a more complete sort of narrative?

I think I'm going to keep the 28mm scale stuff true to the original rulebook and aim to put together some small skirmish level games with a half dozen figures per side, much like a fantasy version of Gorkamorka with several fantasy races and warbeasts instead of buggies and bikes. 

This is going to be a bit of a slow burn sort of a project as I have got a fair few bits and bobs for most forces other than the Barbarians but it takes me ages to paint them. 

Orc vs Elf

The 2mm scale and SD stuff will be combined into a more original sort of a version of Aeroth with more tech and will allow me to continue exploring the world and its inhabitants. For example I am now needing to put together a Vongola SD force which is going to be interesting to say the least but it will allow me to play both small skirmishes and larger battles, at least in theory!

Vongola Task Force Coyote

We shall have to see what I can come up with in the coming weeks as I start tying together the disparate elements, projects and random gubbins that I've painted during lockdown!

Obviously, there are some projects such as War of Ashes, Rusty Robots and Flintloque which are very much their own thing which I will continue working on as time allows but I'm keen to see how I get on, especially as there's still no clear idea ho long this lockdown is going to go on for.

I'll post more of my thoughts on the process tomorrow but in the meantime, All the best!

Monday, 27 April 2020

Lockdown Day 35


Here's the latest addition to my Vongola City States!

 Vongola Gokudera class attack Ironclad

The Gokudera is a new addition to the Vongola landfleet. Armed with two light turrets and a pair of heavy guns in a fixed forward firing position giving them a fearsome punch for their size. This heavy armament does have a downside as the tremendous recoil can damage the ironclad if fired too often.

The Gokudera is a rarity amongst Ironclad designs as it isn't steampowered. Instead it has a powerful Black Water engine which the Vongola has developed and incorporated into their new experimental Ironclad.

With these three finished, I only have two more Ironclads left to paint!

 Vongola Ironclads maneuver through the Red Mesa wastes 

I'm really pleased to have got another three tiny tanks painted up and ready to rock. I'm now eying up some gubbins for some Aeronef to give me some more airborne units.

I'm edging towards having all the gubbins for a second project completed in one year which is rather exciting so we shall see what I can do in the coming week!

In the meantime, All the best!

Friday, 24 April 2020

Lockdown Day 32


As promised, here's some pics of the latest additions to my Vongola City State landfleet!

 Lambo formation Secondo

Some time ago I played a quick game of Song of Blasters (my own rules bodge) which saw the first three of my Lambo class Ironclads go up against a somewhat heavier Dwarf formation and get thoroughly blown up. I'm quite pleased to have another three painted which should give me some small, disposable Ironclads to draw fire or snatch objectives.

 Lambo class formation Primo and Secondo

Once again, the miniatures are Brigade Models Brunell class war tractors and are lovely little figures that were great fun to paint!

 Task force Coyote

The force is really shaping up nicely and I'm looking forward to adding some more heavy units and I may have to take a peek at Brigades range to round out my larger Ironclads or indeed make a few of my own!

I also want to put together some character based vehicles to represent some of the elite units of the Vongola and will need to rummage out my 2mm infantry and cavalry to add some teeny tiny squishies for my Land Ironclads project too which will give me pretty much everything I'll need for a nice big force!

I'm also going to put together one or two somewhat larger flyers than the Zephyr's that my Vongola currently have.


Tomorrow I'll be posting some pics of my latest additions to my War of Ashes but in the meantime, All the best!

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Lockdown Day 31


I've got a load of stuff in the works at the moment but I am aiming at working on my 2mm Land Ironclads project for the next couple of days so I can get some outstanding projects done and dusted.

With that in mind, I've rummaged out the last of my Vongola City State Ironclads to finish off my Landfleet.
 Lambo Class

I've got three more Lambo class to do which will give me a second small and rather disposable formation to charge forward and grab objectives or harass opposing forces and I'm looking forward to painting them as they are lovely little sculpts.

I also have a trio of Hitman class Ironclads to paint which will give me some assault vehicles which I'll post some more details on once I have them finished.

 Capo di Capo Class

My command Ironclad is already done and I've also got two more Lancia class to paint up which will complete all the stuff I have which will complete another painting project which is terribly exciting!

 Lancia Class 

Gosh! If I keep this going, I'll have two projects done and it's not even May yet! 

Zephyr Flyers

I also have a few bits and bobs to do for my Dwarf force and it will be done too and once I have my board back up, I'll need to have get a game or two played! 

I've also had a bit of a rummage through my Epic collection and it looks like I have decent amount of Orky boyz to put together and will see about painting up a few stands of Deathskulls which were my original Epic 40k army back in the early 2000's.

Hopefully I'll have a load more gubbins to showcase but in the meantime, All the best!

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Lockdown Day 8


Back to usual service as a new bulb has been procured and here's a few pics of my latest additions to my Lockdown project!

 Warhammer Class Ironclad

The Warhammer is a heavy Dwarven Ironclad and is armed with a medium gun turret, twin fixed barbette guns and small close defence guns. Whilst not the fastest or most powerful tanks in the Dwarven Landfleet, it is one of the most versatile. 

It's low profile and powerful weapons allow it to engage enemy targets at range and it's close defence guns allow it to support infantry and make it a bit of a beast in close combat.  

The Warhammer is made almost entirely from plasticard and greenstuff but the turret is from Brigade Models and it's been sat almost finished for absolutely ages but I was never entirely happy with it. If I was to do it again, I'd probably make a larger turret from scratch like I did with the Battle Forge but you live and learn!

Here's a pic of the Warhammer alongside a pair of Anvil medium Ironclads:

I've also quickly bodged together a trio of Vongola flyers in the form of the Zephyr class bomber:

Vongola Zephyr's bomb a Dwarven formation

The Zephyr is the only air asset that the Vongola currently deploy and operate on Magitechnology that they have "acquired" from the Elves. Using Skystones to defy gravity, these small vessels, although limited in capacity, have the speed and agility to drop their payload just at the right time. Handily they are also capable of transporting a squad of troops which the Vongola have been utilising to raid opposing kingdoms.

I felt that my Vongola needed some air support and put together three small but hopefully annoying little bomber craft to zip around and drop explosive death on their foes.

Style wise, they are a little bit like flying limo's and I quite like the little things and now I'm feeling the urge to add some more Dwarf flyers to oppose them!

In the meantime, All the best!

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Lockdown Day 1


Well it looks like the next 21 days are going to involve a UK wide lockdown with me stuck at home as the shop is temporarily closed so instead of moping, I am hoping to use the opportunity to both get the flat in order but to spend some much needed stress relief of hobbytime!

To get the ball rolling, here's the latest additions to my Goblin army in 6mm:

Goblin Boar Carts

Originally from Irregulars Lesser Goblin range, these tiny transports are rather fun to paint and once the initial drybrush is on, the details literally pop. There's a ton of tiny Goblins in the cart waving weapons and in one case a chap looking like he's preparing to leap out of the cart to attack an unsuspecting target.

Game wise, I must admit I'm not sure how to use them but I'm sure I'll come up with something, especially as I have another three of them primed and ready to go.

I am finding painting these tiny chaps quite refreshing and shockingly it looks like if I keep this up, I may actually finish all the figures I have and have a decent little army to play around with too!

Goblin Cavalry Thus Far

I've thus far stuck to working on cavalry but have primed and drybrushed a couple of archer regiments so look forward to adding them to my slowly expanding horde.

In other news, I've finished a new Ironclad for my Vongola City State force:

 The Lancia heavy ironclad

It's another of Brigade Models British Ironclads repurposed to my villainous Vongola landfleet.This is a class 3 Ironclad and armed with a pair of heavy turrets which makes it a bit more flexible than the heavier Capo di Capo due to having a better arc of fire than the fixed broadsides and single turret of the larger vehicle.

Capo di Capo and Lancia Ironclads on maneuver.

While it's all a bit small scale gaming that I've got finished thus far, I am working on finishing an Ork Nob in 28mm and a Chaos chappie who has been on my painting desk for quite some time now. My plan is to post up something every day, be it painted miniatures or battle reports and I have a fairly major Epic project that will be kicking off when I get a restock of bases which will see additions to pretty much all my existing forces and the beginning of several new ones too so watch this space!

In the meantime, stay safe and all the best!

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Vongola Command Ironclad


I've managed to finish another of my Vongola City State Land Ironclads in the form of the Capo di Capo Command Ironclad:

Capo di Capo

Armed with a heavy gun turret and a fearsome broadside, the Capo di Capo is the largest of the Vongola's landfleet and is the city states proudest achievement. 

The Capo di Capo is also equipped with a supercharged quad boiler which can allow it to put on an impressive head of steam when least expected. 

As all things Vongola, it is somewhat temperamental though and prone to exploding at inconvenient times. This is not seen as too much of a hinderance though as it has allowed the mighty machine an advantage in combat, be it getting into a position that will allow it to bring its full armament to bear or speed out of the way of a battering from enemy ironclads.

Originally a Sovereign class from the Brigade Models range, I reworked the broadside as it was slightly miscast and added more super structure and a new smokestack. It took a surprising amount of work to paint it but I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

I've already put it through its paces in a quick throwdown game between Vongola and Dwarven Ironclad landfleets and despite losing the game (Lambo class Ironclads explode very easily when trying to attack larger Dwarven vehicles!) it did quite a bit of damage to the Dwarven command Ironclad and if I'd managed to play a few more turns, I suspect it would have made mincemeat of my Anvil class Ironclads who were defending the Black Water facility from the rapacious Vongola!

Capo di Capo and Lambo class Ironclads

I have been reworking my Song of Blasters game to work with 2mm and am quite pleased with how it has thus far turned out and I am looking forward to playing more games with more fleshed out Landfleets duking it out in the near future!

I'm also seriously pondering the foolishness of trying to put together a Middlehammer force in 28mm scale for some retro nonsense which I fervently hope to talk myself out of as it is a very silly idea but than again...

Anyhoo, enough of my ramblings! 

All the best!