Friday 24 April 2020

Lockdown Day 32


As promised, here's some pics of the latest additions to my Vongola City State landfleet!

 Lambo formation Secondo

Some time ago I played a quick game of Song of Blasters (my own rules bodge) which saw the first three of my Lambo class Ironclads go up against a somewhat heavier Dwarf formation and get thoroughly blown up. I'm quite pleased to have another three painted which should give me some small, disposable Ironclads to draw fire or snatch objectives.

 Lambo class formation Primo and Secondo

Once again, the miniatures are Brigade Models Brunell class war tractors and are lovely little figures that were great fun to paint!

 Task force Coyote

The force is really shaping up nicely and I'm looking forward to adding some more heavy units and I may have to take a peek at Brigades range to round out my larger Ironclads or indeed make a few of my own!

I also want to put together some character based vehicles to represent some of the elite units of the Vongola and will need to rummage out my 2mm infantry and cavalry to add some teeny tiny squishies for my Land Ironclads project too which will give me pretty much everything I'll need for a nice big force!

I'm also going to put together one or two somewhat larger flyers than the Zephyr's that my Vongola currently have.


Tomorrow I'll be posting some pics of my latest additions to my War of Ashes but in the meantime, All the best!

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