So I played a really fun little game of my own rules again last night which pitted the forces of the Inquisition against a Goff warband.
Following the skirmish in the slime jungle, Inquisitor Fisher is resigned to having to having to make a rescue attempt on her two captured companions, Vash Hammersworn and Brother Blasius of the Blood Angels who had foolishly allowed themselves to be captured by the forces of Uruk the Unruly, a rather bothersome Goff Boss.
Scanners from The Shrike have identified that the two captives are currently being held in a reinforced shack in the centre of an abandoned settlement some miles from the last skirmish. Determined to dish out some revenge on the Orks and rescue her underlings at the same time, Fisher has landed with a small force in an attempt to sneak into the settlement, rescue her people and shoot up the place on the way out.
Inquisitor Fisher is accompanied by Geralt the Wolfbane, Brother Flavius the Blood Angel, a squad of security troopers and Blammo the Wardroid.
The Captives and Guards |
The two captives are currently unarmed but can be handed equipment and weapons if they are freed.
Uruk the Unruly's Warband |
The Orks consist of two Nobs, Uruk and Rugnug alongside six Goff Boys, three Grotbots and a pair of Gretchin who act as sentries and guards.
The Setup
Scanners have identified that the prisoners are being held in the red shed which is close to the edge of the Slime Jungle to the south.
Fishers force enters from the south and starts the game hiding in the undergrowth whilst the Orks are not initially deployed. Two Gretchin sentries are standing guard of the settlement but as usual are skiving off, either writing rude words on the buildings or having a sneaky fag and aren't paying too much attention so it should be possible for the Imperials to sneak into the settlement...
The Game
As usual, things didn't go according to plan for Fishers troops. Whilst the Inquisitor and her immediate retinue moved cautiously forward, the security troops advanced a great deal less cautiously. They spotted the closer Gretchin sentry and lit it up with both lasguns, a las pistol and bolter, unsurprisingly blowing it to paste and raising the alarm (in hindsight, I should have let them manoeuvre a bit better but figured they were holding a grudge from the last game when Gretchin gunners absolutely slaughtered them).
In response, the remaining Gretchin moved forward and spotting the Wardroid, Blammo skirting the settlement, opened fire but failed to damage the sturdy machine.
This saw the end of turn and I rolled to see what reinforcements turned up and only managed to get Rugnug who burst from the large building waving his axe around and bellowing incoherently about being woken from his kip but seeing the approaching Imperials moved quickly towards the prisoners shack.
Inquisitor Fisher moved forward with her retinue to get closer to the prisoners, aware that now the alarm had been raised, it would only be a matter of time before hordes more Orks would arrive and she was painfully aware that she didn't have the forces to fight them all off.
The Gretchin and security troops exchanged ineffectual shots and the Blammo had a short circuit and failed to activate, a result that would have serious outcomes in the next turn.
The next turn saw Uruk himself turn up but no minions and promptly move forward to show his underlings how it was done. He lined up his Orky Blaster on Blammo and pulled the trigger. The ensuing storm of lead reduced the droid to so much scrap (Orky Weapons roll D10 to see how powerful they are and Uruk rolled an 8 and then had a really lucky roll whilst Blammo's armour roll was utterly rubbish!)
In one salvo, the Imperials most powerful weapon was taken out of action and things began looking grim for Fishers security troops who came under fire from the Gretchin whose autogun clipped one trooper sending him spinning to the ground.
Rugnug, stunned by the sheer firepower his boss had showcased failed to activate but the Gretchin moved again and managed to snipe Geralt (the Imperials were having really poor activation rolls!) causing a wound to the stalwart Wolfbane.
In return, the security troops managed to finally take out the Gretchin and combined fire from them and Brother Flavius wounded Rugnug but failed to bring down the brute.
The next turn saw the entirety of the Ork warband arrive and would prove the decisive moment in the game.
Rugnug charged into Brother Flavius, battering him with his axe and taking him out of action forcing Geralt to bellow a warcry and countercharge the brute but failed to damage the greenskin. Inquisitor Fisher, thinking out of the box, used her powersword to cut a hole in the back of the shack, freeing the prisoners and passing them some guns and calling on them to help fight their way to freedom.
Fortunately for the Imperials, only three of the Orks activated and began moving towards the security troops who had been forced to seek shelter from the greenskins in a patch of fungi.
Sensing things were looking grim, the security troops opened fire on the approaching Orks in the next turn but failed to do any damage after some more rubbish shooting.
The remaining Orks and Grotbots activated and began moving towards the Imperial positions. Uruk once again let rip with his Orky Blaster but rolled poorly so his gun failed to do anything other than make a loud noise.
Meanwhile, the Inquisitors retinue piled into Rugnug with Geralt finally striking the killing blow and the newly freed Brother Blasius seeing Uruk took a potshot at him but the bolt bounced off the brutes crude armour leaving the beast bellowing insults at the red clad warrior.
As the Orks closed into range, Fisher called on her retinue to run for it and for a second time she was forced to flee with the remains of her force from the victorious Orks.
As a final insult, her remaining security troops panicked and failed to activate and were overwhelmed by the greenskins and butchered.
Gosh! That was a good game! Once again the Imperials were forced to run for it but kind of won as they recovered their captives, even if the security troopers got wiped out and another Blood Angel got killed.
What really swung things in the Orks favour was Uruks lucky shot blowing Blammo the Wardroid up. It was a combination of lucky rolls but I think I need to tone it down a bit. If Blammo had been able to survive the shot, it would have probably killed Uruk with its multi-laser and mown down the Orkish reinforcements but such is life. On paper, the Imperials had a bit of an advantage with longer range guns and more firepower in general but rubbish rolls saw them squander this and the randomness of the Orkish guns really do them in!
After this ignoble retreat, Fisher called an airstrike on the settlement, reducing it to rubble but scans indicate that at least some of the Orks have escaped.
Needless to say, Fisher will not be satisfied until she has Uruk's head mounted on the wall of her chambers and the next encounter will see a full battle squad of Blood Angels drafted in to bolster her forces.
The game has brought up a few odds and ends that I need to work on ruleswise but I'm rather enjoying the vendetta between Fisher and Uruk and will be bringing events to a head with the third game of the mini campaign which will see the Inquisitor finally bring the Orkish boss to justice, or at least the business end of a power sword...
Hopefully I'll get enough painted this week coming to be able to round out the mini campaign with a bit larger game but in the meantime, All the best!
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