Monday, 15 June 2020

Lockdown Day 84: Papergaming Ponderment


It's looking like I might be coming to the end of the daily blogs as the Lockdown is starting to be eased here in Scotland so I'm going to use the opportunity to finish off my assorted gaming ponderments and try to set myself some challenges for the second half of the year to keep the hobby going!

Today I'm going to be looking at Paper gaming.

I must admit that I'd originally been a bit skeptical of the prospect of how engaging playing with paper standees would be when I drew up my original Battletech lances but have since discovered that it is actually quite fun.

Yes the visual aspect isn't quite as appealing as nicely painted and based miniatures would be but I have managed to play several games using standees and it does allow me to try out games that I'd not been too sure about.

With this in mind, I hope to keep going with the paper gaming front as there are some great games that I'd like to try but haven't been able to due to cost or scarcity of figures so I figure this will be a good way to test out the waters so to speak and mock up some designs for my own sculpts for future projects at the same time.

One aspect of wargaming that can be a bind at times is the time it takes to put together an army, paint it, base it and then play a game using them but by spending an hour or so I can draw up said army, scan and multiply it and even colour it in and get a game on!

This approach may well be useful for some of my long term wishlist projects such as 2nd edition 40k, Vor, Warzone and Chronopia, not to mention Star Mogul or Mordheim to name but a few. Using the paper counters I plan on trying out each game and posting my thoughts on them along the way and if any particularly catch my eye, I plan on sculpting whatever it is and replacing the paper counters.

I will continue compiling all of the black and white images here so folks can use them as they want and hopefully it will see me blast past last years gaming total.

That being said, I am still primarily interested in miniatures gaming so worry not, the vast majority of this blogs content will be miniature related and I hope to be able to put together my six month plans over the course of the next day or so.

In the meantime, All the best and if there's any games you'd like to see paper counters for, give me a shout!


  1. I like the idea of paper miniatures. Cheap and perfect if you want to try out a game without investing too much.

    1. It's been fun to put them together and I've played a few games that I'd never otherwise touch!
