My parcel arrived from Spirt Games this morning so I thought it might be a plan to stick a picture of the complete force (apart from the steam tank) up so folks can see what I am aiming for! Apologies for the shoddy picture but I don't have a decent display set up yet!

Technomancers Left: Thunderchief's, Centre Back: Mk2 Wargolem, Centre: Infantry Golems, Centre Front: Technomancer and Bodyguard Golem, Right Furnace Guard.
As you can see theres a bit of a hodge podge of miniatures from several manufacturers but they do fit in quite well together, with the only real discrepancy being that the Thunder Chief gunners are a bit slimmer than the rest of the miniatures. Its easily explained away with a bit of background and on the tabletop its not really noticeable.
One of the unexpected highlights of my purchase was the Ral Partha Europe Mage Knight infantry golems as the picture on their site doesn't do them justice as they are perfect stumpy dwarf built mechanical men!
The rest of the force is made up of Ral Partha Crucible dwarven Thunderchief's and Chronopia Vulture legion hammers.
I have two hand ins next Thursday but after that I am going to spend a week solid painting them, hopefully by which time the remaining parts of my force, namely the Steamtank turret and wheels will have arrived!
I will also post a group shot with each update so folks can see how the force is progressing!
All the best!
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