Well I nipped into Homebase this morning and picked up a pack of vinyl floor tiles to use as the basis for my small scale gaming board.
To be honest I have not been too impressed with the result as the pattern on the tiles is blurry and foolishly the texture which is supposed to run with the pattern, has been printed on 90 degrees out so it just doesn't look right!

As the pattern looks a bit rubbish I have decided to texture them a bit with some sand and paint over the lot of it to get a better finish! I think that a little bit of brown static grass at this point should finish it off nicely!
I also have to add a dead copse of pines to my project list! Along with some volcanic craters it should give my dwarves something to fight over!
In other news I have got seven dwarves finished (alas no sleeping beauty!) but not had chance to get a photo yet! I will, however try and rectify that first thing tomorrow before I head north!
I had a bit of putty left and also made a random magic user but I don't know what force he will fight for as yet or if he will be a freelancer!
All the best!
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