Friday 6 October 2023

Inktober 2023: Papercraft RPG Characters Day 5 and 6 Map and Golden


Here's the next two days worth of Inktober, Map and Golden.

Map resulted in a pair of Imperial cartographers preparing to explore distant lands and make some detailed charts of them:

I must admit that these aren't my favourite duo that I've made thus far and I may well redo them in the future into something that I'm happier with but they're done and dusted and will do the job for some NPCs if nothing else!

Next up, here's a pair of golden Paladins prepared to smite the uncouth and look fantastic whilst doing it.

Heavily inspired by both classic Custodes and High Elves, I really like how they turned out, especially with the bold white outline instead of the black one I've been using previously. While it may make figures stand out against backdrops, I can't help but feel it looks bolder and results in brighter looking figures which I like a lot!

We shall see what the next few days updates result in but I think I'll be sticking with this new approach for a bit and see where it takes me.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. These are all really good. As ever I'm impressed by your ability to simplify the pictures without losing any of the sense of what these people are. Super work.
