Tuesday 17 January 2023

Colostle Season 2: A New Adventure


I've got a weeks holiday and have spent a bit of time putting together my assorted solo RPG stuff for a campaign of Colostle.

I've played a session or two of Colostle last year and really enjoyed the game but felt that the combat system was a bit simple as its really easy for you to defeat non rook opponents but the actual rook combat was too abstracted, with the result being decided by random card draws.

For this adventure, I decided to mash together a bunch of different bits and bobs to create my own combat system based on Brutalquest as well as throwing in bits and bobs from my Table Fables books. Initially it seemed to have worked out rather well but as I got further into the game, I got overwhelmed with choices and whatnot so I've decided to start afresh using just the basic Colostle rules and a dice system for combat.

I'm also using papercraft tokens to represent my character as well as the assorted heroes, villains and denizens of the Roomlands that he encounters along the way.

I've also been using some random generators from Cairn (a freely available RPG)  and some diy ones I made up to help design my characters which seems to be adding a bit more depth and flavour to my game and will be drawing up the locations I discover and those I meet along the way.

Hopefully I'll be able to post up the campaign as it proceeds in the coming week so watch this space!

In the meantime, All the best!

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