Tuesday 11 July 2023

Bedroom Battlefields Podcast


Just a quick post this morning as I've got lots on but a few of weeks ago I was contacted by Matthew, the host of Bedroom Battlefields, a podcast that delves into all manner of Oldhammer and indie wargaming gubbins.

Much to my surprise he asked me if I'd be willing to be a guest and we had a really good chat about hobby related stuff ranging from what got me into gaming, Rogue Trader and solo gaming. 

The episode has gone live now over on Apple Podcast and is available HERE so if you fancy having a listen, then do feel free! I've listened to most of Matthew's series now and its been really enjoyable as it ranges over all sorts of wargaming topics and he's interviewed lots of interesting folks too and its been an enjoyable accompaniment to painting or commuting into work. 

I must admit I never expected to have anyone ask to interview me about my random bloggings but it was rather fun and has got me to thinking of the possibilities of doing something myself.

Hopefully I'll have some more miniature themed goodies to post up tomorrow as I'm going to be delving back into the collection today but until then, All the best!