A view from the Ironpeaks
Unlike so many other days that had passed since the end of the world, movement could be seen high on a ridge, a section of the mountain seemed to shiver then painfully slowly move with a dull grinding which sent echoes rolling across the early morning and sending a flock of black crows cawing up into the sky, their raucous cries sounding as they voiced their outrage at being so rudely stirred from their roosts.
The section of mountain ceased its movement with a hollow boom and for the first time in centuries the great gate of the Dwarfhold of Kareth Dul stood open. From within its darkened maw, figures appeared, tentatively at first but soon more boldly as a group of Dwarves emerged from their home to stare out at a world their people had not seen in three centuries.
The group was short in statue but very broad, their legs short and stumpy but their arms heavily muscled, each wore beards and to look at one could not imagine that they were once of human stock.
Standing at the forefront of the group was Uthor Silverdelve, the lord of the keep of Kareth Dul, a powerful figure, he wore heavy plate armour and fingered the haft of a heavy hand axe as he surveyed the scene before turning his head and saying "It would appear the world didn't quite end after all my friend!"
A silver bearded dwarf to his left grunted dismissively.
"If the food caves hadn't been tainted we wouldn't have to bother with this my lord and remained safe underground."
"Aye but they have and now we have to return to the surface and see if we can make something of this new world we find ourselves in, Gunner." replied the thoughtful ruler.
"I doubt our old maps will be of much use here so I think its time we sent out some scouts to explore the vicinity while you get the engineers up to rebuild the fortress." he said, gesturing at the low ruins that lay strewn around the ridge.
"I will see to it at once my lord!" replied the silver haired Dwarf...
And so the Dwarves have returned to the land of Farpoint!
My new project is a fantasy themed one in 15mm scale and pits the Dwarves against the wilderness they find themselves in and will develop as and when I get chance with battle reports interspaced with background and all sorts of other bits and bobs.
Each day I hope to add a little more to the setting and will keep it up throughout the year chronicling the exploits of the great hold of Kareth Dul!
All the best!
My new project is a fantasy themed one in 15mm scale and pits the Dwarves against the wilderness they find themselves in and will develop as and when I get chance with battle reports interspaced with background and all sorts of other bits and bobs.
Each day I hope to add a little more to the setting and will keep it up throughout the year chronicling the exploits of the great hold of Kareth Dul!
All the best!
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