I am currently up at my parents and am having a bit of a clear out of the huge pile of miniatures and box sets I have had lurking in the attic for the last few years and have begun listing them on MY EBAY This includes some really great games I am going to miss including my treasured copy of MAN O' WAR, complete with supplements!

Its by far and away one of the best games GW ever produced and I am going to miss it but just don't have the space to keep it anymore! I also have stuff like Heroquest with some of the less common supplements:

Man O' War!
Its by far and away one of the best games GW ever produced and I am going to miss it but just don't have the space to keep it anymore! I also have stuff like Heroquest with some of the less common supplements:
Please feel free to nip over and take a peek as I will be listing a load more stuff over the coming week!
All the best!
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