As I have taken on the responsibility of getting a new Battles With Miniatures ezine put together I thought it might be a plan to start getting some articles on Leviathan put together!

Leviathan Rulebook
I've pretty much graduated into 15mm scale figures these days and have been harping on about getting rid of all my 28mm stuff and have even sold nearly all my resin Leviathan stuff. This has left me with a bit of a quandary as I really want to support Leviathan in the new ezine but I haven't got anything like enough to make this a viable option at present.
The problem is I like the idea of playing some games in larger scales! I may yet decide to pick up a few bits and bobs to allow me to play some small games!
I think I'm going to have to settle with posting articles on painting stuff and new rules for the time being but was wondering if folks have anything they would specifically like to see with regards to Leviathan? I am going to be interviewing some of the Grendel staff so if there's any questions you want me to ask about any of their systems please post it here!
All the best!
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