Heres the first part of a battle report using the Star Mogul ruleset!
The Scenario:
Open salvage has been broadcast across the Outer Rim by the Frontier Union on either a crashed star freighter, an abandoned space colony, an old battle field or maybe an alien archaeological site. Two or more players have raced to the remote site where the discovery has been made, and deployed upon the surface to recover the salvage present and, hopefully, claim the salvage rights. The site may not have a breathable atmosphere, in which case the players may choose to only use crew members equipped with battle armour or other similar hermetically sealed suits. This is entirely up to the agreement between the two players. Vehicles should be used.
If a player can gain the salvage rights, then the Interstellar Frontier Union Government will pay big money for what they recover. In order to gain the salvage rights, however, a salvage company will have to recover OVER 50% of the salvage present to prove their claim – which means getting it back to their drop zone and having it airlifted out
via their drop ship while under heavy fire, no doubt, from the competition, who will not be too happy at the prospect of losing the salvage rights, and hence making very little or no money at all from the mission.
The Forces
Both players start with 30000 Credits to set up and equip their salvage company but as you need to pay your crew (not to mention keep a reasonable amount of cash back as a contingency fund incase things go wrong!)

Farpoint Salvage
Alexandr (company boss) armed with small arms (small arms skill 8, hand to hand skill 6, bargaining skill 5, salvaging appraisal skill 2)
Ripp (experienced crew) armed with arclight blaster (small arms skill 8, hand to hand combat 8, salvage hound skill 5)
Frank (regular crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 3, driving vehicle skill 5)
Gubbs (regular crew) armed with small arms, salvage tools (small arms skill 6, hand to hand skill 5)
Tonk (regular crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 5, hand to hand skill 6)
Elwood (regular crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 4, engineer skill 4)
Tate (regular crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 5, hand to hand skill 6)
EDDY (experienced mekk) armed with small arms (small arms skill 5, damage control nanobots 5, technician skill 3)
BUNGLE (regular mekk) armed with small arms (small arms skill 5, hand to hand skill 6)
Salvage Dog (the Yellow Pig!) Driven by Frank

Angelinas Raiders
Angelina (company boss) armed with small arms and grenades (small arms skill 9, hand to hand skill 9, grenade throwing skill 7)
Kurt (veteran crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 8, hand to hand skill 8, hard as nails skill 3)
Slikk (average crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 2, driving vehicle skill 6)
Cutter (average crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 8)
Kipp (average crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 4, engineer skill 4)
Hogg (average crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 5, hand to hand skill 4, technician skill 2)
Dent (average crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 4, hand to hand skill 7)
Hoff (average crew) armed with small arms (small arms skill 5, hand to hand skill 6)
RED K1LLR (veteran mekk) armed with small arms (small arms skill 8, hand to hand skill 10, damage control nanobots skill 1)
Salvage dog with LMG (Slikks Wheels) Surprisingly driven by Slikk!
The Setup
The abandoned colony of Murchisons Gulch is rumoured to have got some decent items of salvage and Farpoint Salvage had hit dirtside in search of some useful bits and pieces. Unbeknownst to them Angelina and her gang of thugs are holed up in the ruins of the colony after pulling off a particularly brutal raid on a nearby systems merchant shipping.
No sooner do the hapless scrap hounds set out to explore the area than Angelinas mob rumbles up and starts shooting.
Farpoint Salvages owner is a grizzled marine veteran named Alexandr whos not the type to back down from a fight. Assuming the hostiles are another salvage team out to steal his cargo he orders his crew forward in the hopes of driving the opposition off world.
There are three items of salvage (cryogenically frozen Macswineys burgers, bootleg booze or useful machinary) scattered around the board and the salvage teams objectie is to secure these valuables while holding off the hostiles and move it back to their deployment zone to await pick up from their dropship (The Daisy Mae)
Angelinas only objective is to kill or capture the salvage team which will allow them to grab the dropship when it arrives.
Its taken me a while to compile the force list as theres a little more book keeping required for Star Mogul. Its more of a skirmish campaign system like necromunda where the aim of the game isnt always to simply blast the opposition into their component atoms! It should make for an interesting game as Star Mogul has some really interesting mechanisms which could lead to some really random happenings!
I will try and post the actual report in the morning!
All the best!
Star Mogul sounds like a quite fun system. Any hints on where I can find it?