Monday, 24 March 2025

Side Project: Risk Imagination


I've finally got a week off work and have put my first morning to good use by finishing the bases of my Risk force!

I'd picked up a copy of Risk from a charity shop for the princely sum of £3 and had the idea of painting up the horde of tiny figures so allow me to play some games of Rebels and Patriots or similar and have got the first batch, the Blues finally done.

The Blues

I've yet to paint artillery and some command stands which I'll need to convert but I'm pretty pleased with how the little guys have turned out. 

I batch painted them 12 infantry or 6 cavalry at a time and what initially looked like it was going to be utterly soul crushing soon became quite relaxing once I got into the swing of things and figured out the best methods of getting the little guys done to a reasonable standard in the minimal amount of time.

Blue Infantry

The figures themselves are surprisingly nice sculpts, despite their rather outsize muskets and are somewhere between 10mm and 12mm scale and I'm a big fan of the tricorns they all sport.

If I use them as is, I've got enough for a roughly 20 point force in Rebels and Patriots but ideally I'd paint up more of the tiny guys until I had enough for a more chonky force but I'm hanging fire on that just now, instead concentrating on getting the stuff painted before moving onto the next.

Blue Cavalry

Its been a really nice change from the big Orcs or Longmyre militia men that I'd been working on earlier this month and I'm really pleased with having got them done and having a mini project that was easily achievable.

Blue Expeditionary Force

The rest of this week is going to be busy in a different way as I've got a commission to work on and we'll also be hoping to trundle off on a few day trips which I'm rather looking forward to as the weather seems to be turning nice (being Scotland, this is liable to change on the regular basis!)

We'll see what I can get painted up next as I seem to have ticked off several bits and bobs that have been sitting for a while now but until then, All the best!

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