Saturday 20 February 2021

Lockdown 2.0 Day 57: Smallhammer Progress


Just a quick post today as I'm still working on the large colony building that I started yesterday and am finding it a bit more of an engineering feat than I'd expected!

In the meantime, I've got the last of the Dwarf crossbows finished for my Smallhammer project and have made a bit of a start on the Humans:

Painting the little chaps has been a nice distraction but I'm only capable of painting a couple at a time as too much uniformity get me bored. I've got a small Human swordsman unit that will eventually be 20 strong and some human spearmen, bowmen and barbarians still to paint as well as a handful of other odds and ends which I hope to eventually build up into a full sized army.

It's quite a fun project to have a go at as I can collect a good sized army for about £20-£30 which will allow me to put together first an Empire army and then possibly an Orc and Goblin one but we shall see how I get on over the coming weeks as I'm also tempted to try a Vampire Counts force...

Once I have the sci-fi scenery done, I think it's going to be high time that I made some fantasy 15mm scale scenery so I can get a decent game in. I've already got enough stands of trees but could do with some hedges, walls, buildings, roads, rivers and hills to give a more visually pleasing finish to the whole project.

I'll post another update in the morning on building progress but in the meantime, All the best!

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