Sunday, 16 March 2025

Longmyre Reinforcements and Dark Age Obsession


I've managed to get my unit of Longmyre militia painted up and based so thought I'd post them up here with some ponderings on one of my other interests, namely the Dark Ages.

Before I head off on a tangent, here's my Longmyre Militiamen:

Longmyre Militia

Constructed from Frostgrave Soldiers, they're pleasingly characterful and suitably grubby for a small, poor and unimportant Duchy sitting on the frontier of the civilised world.

I had been thinking of bulking up their numbers to do a Dragon Rampant style army of them but feel that 28mm is currently better suited to smaller skirmish games so they'll be seeing action in games of Brutal Quest, Song of Blades and Heroes and the likes. I've sent off for some grass tufts as I wasn't 100% happy with the bases of my Orcs so there's still a little work to do to finish them off but we'll see how they look once their bases are complete.

Longmyre Militia clashing with Orcs on the Frontier.

With that out of the way, I thought I'd have a bit of a look at another project I'd started a couple of years ago and then promptly forgotten about, the mythical Dark Ages!

Dark Age Adventurers

Looking back at this stalled project, I had an absolute obsession, collecting books, sourcing miniatures and all sorts of other madness which saw me paint a couple of small bands and then real life got in the way and I immediately forgot about the project.

Now here I am, four years later and thinking about getting it back up and running but this led me to think about how I want to do it and realised I wasn't sure exactly what I was wanting to do with it. I've never been one who can stick to any sort of historical accuracy in wargaming, preferring fantasy and science fiction over historicals but I do find myself drawn to this fascinating period of history which saw the foundation of what would become England.

On the one hand, I'd love to have small skirmishes with bold warriors braving the wilds to face wild beasts from another age, marauding Norsemen or even the odd Fae incursion but at the same time the prospect of mass battles between warring kingdoms or trying to drive off raids from the Vikings also has real appeal!

But what to do! I don't have the amount of time, space, budget or frankly focus to paint up large armies of 28mm figures so a compromise may be required, namely scale. I do think I'll keep painting small 28mm scale warbands of up to maybe 10-12 figures but I want to make use of Lion Rampant to represent larger scale conflicts between raiders, norse and all manner of other stuff and my recent acquisition and painting of some 10mm Risk figures has got me thinking that maybe I can make some larger warbands in 10-15mm scale.

There are quite a few companies out there who produce lovely stuff in smaller scales and I love the appearance of larger numbers of figures (which happen to be cheaper and take up much less space and less time to paint!) on the battlefield.

I'm not going to go mad and buy a ton of stuff but I do think I'm going to dip my toe and pick up a pack or two of figures to see how I get on as I reckon I can make a Lion Rampant army for £25ish quid in 10mm scale which isn't too pricy and would allow me to build several different armies cheaply.

I've still got a bunch of plastic 28mm scale figures to paint up for skirmishes or incorporate into my Longmyre project but we'll see what I can come up with in the coming months!

In the meantime, All the best!

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Orcish Reinforcements!


I've finally got round to taking some pictures of my slowly expanding Orcish horde with their newest addition, the Butcher!

Orc Butcher

As with the other figures in the warband he comes from the Hall of the Orc King box that I picked up earlier in the year and have slowly been painting my way through and alongside the big spiky chap from my earlier post, he's been the most fun to paint.

The Warband thus far

Of all the figures in the set thus far the Butcher has probably had the most details but was still a pleasure to paint and actually took less time to finish than the archers did. I've got a second one to paint but have been distracted by other mini projects that have struck my fancy over the last week or so.

Butcher, Gorath's Chosen and Brewmaster

I've been quite motivated hobbywide, despite having limited time and have just finished a 54mm scale Viking chappy who will need basing alongside my 10mm Risk stuff and the Longmyre militia who have been done for a while now.

While I've not managed to concentrate on any single project, I do seem to be making up for the lack of focus by just pelting through whatever catches my fancy at present which is keeping me from getting bogged down and losing interest.

I've also rummaged out my Stump conversions and am eying them up alongside the Dark Age Brutal Quest project I started the other year and am footling around with several other bits and bobs which seems to be my method for actually getting anything done. While it means that completing any single project in a timely fashion is not really working out, I am pleased with the fact that I'm blasting through all sorts of bits and bobs that have been sitting for ages!

I'm going to try and get my Longmyre dudes based up alongside my Viking this evening (if I can find a 40mm round base!) and will post pics tomorrow if all goes well but in the meantime, All the best!

Monday, 10 March 2025

Charity Shop Finds


Apologies for the lack of posts but I've been pretty busy over the last few weeks with the run up to World Book Day at work which has entailed entertaining 400+ kids in multiple classes and running nonstop author events too. It's been massive amounts of fun but massive amounts of work which has meant blogging has had to take a bit of a break!

This hasn't meant I've not been getting stuff done though! I've painted five more Longmyre militia who are awaiting basing and have also found a few bargains in the local charity shop which will make for a few fun side projects too.

Today we nipped into an upcycling centre and picked up an assortment of gubbins including these bad boys, a box of 12 1:32 Vikings from Emhar for the princely sum of £3.00!

I must admit that I'd had my eyes on this scale of figures for a while for a bit of a homage to the likes of Inquisitor but using Wild West figures but I spotted these guys and decided to have a bash at Brutal Quest but bigger!

I'll see about getting a test piece painted up over the next few days and seeing what they look like with a coat of paint but I'm quite excited to have a bash. The only issue I've got with them is that one had a broken sword which I'm fairly sure I'll be able to replace with a bit of wire and plasticard and the bow string for the archer has snapped but that should be a fairly easy fix.

In a previous expedition, I also found a copy of Risk for £3.50 which I immediately started painting up the tiny, roughly 10mm scale figures for use with Rebels and Patriots!

On top of that, I also found Chronicles of Narnia Risk for £3.00 which has four full armies of fauns and centaurs (irritatingly closer to 15mm scale but for that price, I can't complain too much!) It would have been nice to have one army of the baddies but beggars can't be choosers!

I suspect the boards will be recycled into another project while the now empty boxes will be discarded to recycling but I'm quite pleased with my assorted hauls and while its meaning my hobby year is kind of all over the place in scale and subject, its been really fun!

I've got the first twelve Risk musketeers painted and am rummaging around for suitable bases before getting pictures of them but I must admit I'm quite pleased with how they turned out and may be tempted to see if I can find more in the future.

Hopefully I'll source some bases soon so I can get them finished and will see about getting one of the Vikings cleaned up and primed and ready to paint!

I do like these random little projects that result in all manner of unexpected and interesting meanders and will see how I get on with the assorted bits and bobs but in the meantime, All the best!