Friday 23 June 2023

Tiny Orcs for Leviathan


Its been a while since I've been able to update as its been really busy, not to mention roasting! I have been busy with hobby gubbins for most of the last week though which has been brilliant, especially after the loss of motivation over the last few months.

Tiny Orcs

In my ongoing obsession with Leviathan, I'd decided at making some tiny troop style figures so I can put together an army without spending literally months trying to track down figures, clean and paint them. Coupled with the fact that they cost me pretty much nothing and storage is going to be an awful lot easier than 28mm scale, I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out.

They're made from two pieces of plastic rod and some eva foam strips and while they may not be the most detailed of figures I've ever made, they will suit their purpose to eventually allow me to play some games as they look far better than using counters.

As I had them set up I also realised they would be handy for other games like Five Leagues From the Borderlands or even Rangers of Shadowdeep so they are proving doubly handy and I'm now thinking of making a few adventurer miniatures as well to give them some instant opposition.

I've yet to attempt to make any of the larger stuff for them such as Necrosaurs or even Titanosaurs but I shall experiment a bit to see how they come together as I have a rough plan on using similar techniques to what I did for my 2mm Land Ironclads for the Orcish Wartowers which should translate pretty quickly.

I've also been working on some other odds and ends but I'll save them for another post as I don't want to ramble on too much but I seem to have really got my inspiration back and it seems to be by doing a little bit of this and that rather than solely concentrating on a single project but picking up something and working on it for a bit and swapping out for something else before I get bored.

Needless to say its probably going to result in me taking ages to actually finish anything properly but I am having fun with the process and its getting me motivated to keep going!

I'll try and get another post up in the next couple of days with some more completed figures but until then, All the best!

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