Sorry for the lack of updates for the last couple of months folks but I've had a bit of a combination of work and the worst case of painters block that I can remember having in ages.
In what seems to be a reoccurring mantra, I seem to go through spells of almost manic activity followed by increased work and then creative doldrums but this time seems to have absolutely knocked me for six and been a bit of a slump that has lasted for most of 2024.
I'd started the year with great hopes of actually getting Leviathan as the core project I was going to work over the course of 12 months but almost immediately ground to a halt with unexpected car repairs which ate up almost the entire hobby budget for the year and various work stresses killing what little enthusiasm I had left.
I've posted about my struggles with loss of hobby mojo before but have always found a workaround that seems to do the trick but this year has been a bit of a wash out and I've not even wanted to pick up a brush for months, let alone play any games and with us entering the silly season, work is going to be manic and I'm already knackered after getting home so doubt I'm going to be much use for much of December and January is going to see the arrival of guests for much of the month which means the mancave is going to be out of commission.
The really important thing is to enjoy whatever you are doing, may it be drawing, painting minis or whatever. I find these AI illustrations quite awesome, I hope they help you with your process!
DeleteMany thanks for the comments. I must admit that the art generation is helping and while I'm not getting miniatures painted or games played, I have been really delving into background and setting information so hopefully next year will see me make some progress.
All the best!
I agree with Suber. It's easy for model-making (and maybe any hobby) to become a chore, so so whatever you find fun. That said sometimes the opposite is true: I recently forced myself to work on some eldar, which I'd not really been looking forward to, and I really enjoyed it. Whatever works, really! Hope the Christmas season goes smoothly!