Saturday 6 July 2024

Inspiration Overload


We've got a guest coming to stay tomorrow so I've spent much of this last week clearing out our spare room/man cave/library and am desperately trying to avoid spotting yet more projects that I want to start up or re-explore as I see more fascinating books that I had forgotten that we owned.

I have managed to get some more doodling and inspiration materials from a recent visit to Hawkstone Park in Shropshire. Its a mad collection of 18th century follies, hills, caves and possibly ancient copper mines. Handily it also has more than its fair share of interesting stumps too!

Not only that, there's some really interesting cave faces that look like they may actually be inhabited by tiny people too:

I've also picked up a sprue of Perry British Napoleonic riflemen, Wargames Atlantic riflemen and some Warlord armoured Saxons and have begun the rather fun process of kitbashing some suitable figures that I'll try and get painted once our guest has left.

I'm rather excited to crack on with the project and see where it goes but I don't want to abandon some of the other bits and bobs I've got kicking around so I may end up switching between projects to stop myself from getting bored or the dreaded loss of hobby mojo!

I doubt I'll be posting again before next weekend but in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Beautiful art, I love it. Looking forward to see that kitbashing too!

    1. Many thanks!

      Its been a rather fun project to get my teeth into and we'll see where we go!

  2. Those are great pictures, very evocative. I look forward to seeing what you make.

    1. Many thanks!

      I've got more stuff planned but haven't had much spare time to do anything with it!
