Tuesday 1 February 2011

Interesting Developments!


Well I have been really enjoying how my Leviathan project has been developing over the course of the last month or so. It seems to have developed from a fairly simple fan project into something somewhat unexpected!

I have played three games in a week, sculpted and painted more in a month than I did in a whole year and generally had a lot more fun with my hobby. To top it off I have posted more updates in a month than much of last year!

As for the rest of the year, I plan on continuing apace with regular battle reports, painted miniatures and reviews of all sorts of wargames!

This is still primarily a blog dedicated to Leviathan as I really love the setting and feel that there is so much scope to develop it! Although I may be using different rulesets, the action will take place in Aeroth and new factions, forces, locations and monsters will be added as time allows! For example, I need to get 15mm representations of my Technomancers done, followed by Steppe Orcs but also plan on sculpting some assorted bits and bobs that will see action in games ranging from skirmishes to massive battles!

I will be adding another update in the morning featuring the rogue spellcaster I sculpted who will be facing off against the Boar Company in a forthcoming border skirmish but more details on that in the morning!

All the best!

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