Sunday 1 September 2024

Scrapbooked RPG Adventures


Just a quick update this afternoon as it's the last day of my hols and I'm back to work tomorrow!

I've got a group of minions painted up but its too gloomy to actually get the chance to take photos of them so I thought I'd post a quick run through of another project that I've been rather enjoying working on, namely my Wandering Library scrapbook RPG.

The premise is that you are the owner of the Wandering Library, a magically moving library that travels throughout different locations while you record the progress and write the story of your adventures.

It's an incredibly simple one page RPG set and its a rather charming process which has resulted in my character first being summoned into a new world in true Isekai fashion and then having to repair the rather ramshackle library before trundling around having slow life style adventures.

Thus far my story has seen my character arrive in the library and meet Mora the Golem who inhabits the library and is responsible for his summoning and set about exploring the Oakheart Forest and happening on a long abandoned city which has been largely overtaken by nature.

The ruins are not entirely uninhabited though as a small settlement called Oak Springs has grown up among the ruins. Here I meet Breglor, the owner of the Leaning Cloak Tavern, which has served customers for over a thousand years. Breglor is also a Golem who is mourning the disappearance of his creator, Pela who was somehow caught up in the magical catastrophe that resulted in the city being ruined.

He mentions that the city once had a library and I set out to explore the place but come a cropper when I fall off the ruined watchtower I've been using to survey the area and end up returning to the tavern empty handed. I do manage to salvage some much needed supplies to repair the library. While on my way home I stumble upon a fairy pool and have to deal with some meddlesome fae (one of whom ends up squished in the pages of the journal).

I get back to the library to find we've had company and end up meeting an Elven waywatcher called Eluned who is keen on us getting the library moved from the sacred glade she's charged with protecting and is supremely unimpressed by my diy skills so offers to get some craftsmen from her village to come and effect enough repairs to get the library moving.

With the library fixed up to at least a reasonable level, Mora and myself and vanish from the glade and arrive in the settlement of Oak Springs. Upon our return, Breglor suggests we may want to go see the local herbalist who knows the ruins like the back of his hand and may aid us in finding the lost library.

We go and visit the old man and find Helebore's Herbal and its rather crotchety old man called Helebore who tells us he's not encountered the library but his grand daughter Flora arrives and tells us about her invisible friend Boo. The next morning sees the library opened and the locals headed in to see what all the excitement is about and Flora and Helebore visiting to get some books and the young girl tell us that her friend is keen to meet us.

The next day sees us meeting up with the herbalist and his grand daughter and heading out into the ruins in search of both the missing library and indeed Flora's mysterious friend. We eventually encounter amid a tree chocked ruin a ghostly figure who Flora identifies as Boo, her friend. It is then revealed that Boo was the librarian Golem of the lost library and even after death she's kept the place as best as she could but it's become an increasingly difficult task as unfriendly ghosts have been drawn to the place and begs us to help deal with them and save her home.

This gets us up to date with my progress thus far! Its been really enjoyable to just potter about doodling and developing the story using all sorts of bits and bobs I've picked up over the years and making something a bit more interesting than my somewhat illegible scribblings in a journal!

I think my next step will be to clear the haunting menace from the library, which will hopefully give me a clue to the disappearance of Pela and possibly repair Boo before moving the library onto its next location.

I'm thinking of doing something similar for a campaign journal for an upcoming campaign game but tying it into my Miss Fisher project but we shall see how things go.

Hopefully my next day off will see there be enough daylight to get some photos taken of my warband progress but until then, All the best! 

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