Thursday 15 August 2024

Richard's Wargaming Remedy


I've been having a bit of a ponder upon my recent hobby block and have sat down and written up a list of what has worked for me and what succeeded in getting me back into the swing of things.

Here's the list as it stands:

Use 28mm Scale. It's got the largest selection and while it's getting more expensive, there's still a lot of pretty cheap but characterful figures to be found. While I do love 15mm, it just lacks the character of the larger figures and I've been really struggling to paint the smaller scale stuff lately.

Use Planet 28, Brutalquest or my own hodgepodge ruleset. They're rulesets I've used for all sorts of games and are easy to play and great fun without a tomes worth of rules, tables and gumf.

Low figure count is king! The above rules only require a handful of figures a side be it 2-4 heroes or villains or a small group of goons and underlings. This allows me to create a warband quickly and easily and lessens the perils of hobby burnout.

Make games strongly narrative! Make the games a loose ongoing campaign but don't get too bogged down by the details. A game should be fun but not be a slave to making sure all the details are stuck to.

Strong visual element! Allow me to use my creativity to flesh out the setting, characters and narrative of the whole thing. This is a really enjoyable part of the game, drawing character portraits and whatnot.

Space is Limited! My gaming space is at most 3'x3' but at present my gaming table is packed away so 2'x2' or even my pinboard board size should still make for engaging and enjoyable games.

Budget! Get the most you can get out of a tiny budget. £15 a month should be ample.

With all this in mind, I think I'm going to re-investigate Inquisitor Fisher and her retinue. I'm thinking of finishing off her retinue and other characters but want to recreate other iterations of her in fantasy, historical and whatnot.

She's based on Miss Phryne Fisher from the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries that we binge watched during the lockdowns and has a host of brilliant characters that could be easily be transferred into other settings and I'm rather keen to bring her back to the centre of my gaming as she's somewhat a totem of a brilliant series of games that I played over the course of years!

I've also been playing The Wandering Library of late which is a roll and write solo rpg which I've then built up into a scrapbook of sorts which has been rather fun too so I'm planning on doing this to create a journal for my adventures.

I'm going to be doing a bit of a rummage of my collection to see what the state of my sci-fi stuff is and see what I've got and what I still need to work on before moving onto either fantasy or 1920's pulp. 

Hopefully I'll put together an update soon with some further musings but in the meantime, Thanks for reading my ramblings and all the best!


  1. Sounds quite interesting and I hope you find a cure for the funk. Is the stuff in that scrapbook all your art? I know you're quite the artist but that collection is something else.

    1. Hi! The scrapbook shenanigans is a mixture of my own stuff as well as artworks I've collected over the years ranging from 19th Century painters to Brian Froud, fantasy book covers, RPG art, Manga and even a smidge of the dreaded AI art which comes in handy for quick concepts and scenes.

      Fingers crossed, I'll get myself moving again soon!
