Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Judge Patrol


Just a quick update this morning as we're going out for the day to visit Bannockburn and Ardoch Roman fort, two historical sites I'm embarrassed to say we've not visited yet despite having lived back in Scotland for over a decade now!

Judge Patrol

I actually painted these guys late last year for my somewhat stalled AK47 Republic project which will eventually be re-explored at some point, possibly sooner than I'd expected as the Risk project I've been footling about with has made me think that I could actually paint quantities of figures without too much hassle.

Set in the alternative Imperium of my own headcannon, this is an Arbites patrol and will be eventually be reinforced with another four bases of troops and some vehicles to boot!

I'd painted these guys. with speed paints with some highlighting on top and the results are ok, but possibly not as sharp as I'd have liked but they're finished (apart from some basing extras which I really need to get sorted out!) and while I'd originally hummed and hahed about the multi basing, I quite like how they look.

Farpoint Citizen Militia

I've had a lot of folks asking about my 15mm stuff that I used to post almost exclusively which got me to thinking about re-examining some of it with an eye to getting myself moving again with it. 

Syntha Corporate Operatives

I'd kind of burned myself out with 15mm but I've seen some really inspiring projects online which has got me to pondering a return to the scale and picking up some stalled projects. As per usual, the fact that I'm inspired by what I'm doing now is then kicking onto other projects which is both brilliant and at times frustrating as it means that nothing ever gets finished but on the plus side, I do seem to be enjoying myself just picking up something to paint and hopefully I'll end up with a decent selection of stuff which will allow me to get some games in.

Speaking of games, I've hardly played anything yet this year and I'm hoping to remedy this presently as what better opportunity than having a week off work!

Still, I've got to get myself moving now as we're supposed to be leaving in half an hour and I'm still sat in my jammies so until next time, All the best!

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