Monday, 10 March 2025

Charity Shop Finds


Apologies for the lack of posts but I've been pretty busy over the last few weeks with the run up to World Book Day at work which has entailed entertaining 400+ kids in multiple classes and running nonstop author events too. It's been massive amounts of fun but massive amounts of work which has meant blogging has had to take a bit of a break!

This hasn't meant I've not been getting stuff done though! I've painted five more Longmyre militia who are awaiting basing and have also found a few bargains in the local charity shop which will make for a few fun side projects too.

Today we nipped into an upcycling centre and picked up an assortment of gubbins including these bad boys, a box of 12 1:32 Vikings from Emhar for the princely sum of £3.00!

I must admit that I'd had my eyes on this scale of figures for a while for a bit of a homage to the likes of Inquisitor but using Wild West figures but I spotted these guys and decided to have a bash at Brutal Quest but bigger!

I'll see about getting a test piece painted up over the next few days and seeing what they look like with a coat of paint but I'm quite excited to have a bash. The only issue I've got with them is that one had a broken sword which I'm fairly sure I'll be able to replace with a bit of wire and plasticard and the bow string for the archer has snapped but that should be a fairly easy fix.

In a previous expedition, I also found a copy of Risk for £3.50 which I immediately started painting up the tiny, roughly 10mm scale figures for use with Rebels and Patriots!

On top of that, I also found Chronicles of Narnia Risk for £3.00 which has four full armies of fauns and centaurs (irritatingly closer to 15mm scale but for that price, I can't complain too much!) It would have been nice to have one army of the baddies but beggars can't be choosers!

I suspect the boards will be recycled into another project while the now empty boxes will be discarded to recycling but I'm quite pleased with my assorted hauls and while its meaning my hobby year is kind of all over the place in scale and subject, its been really fun!

I've got the first twelve Risk musketeers painted and am rummaging around for suitable bases before getting pictures of them but I must admit I'm quite pleased with how they turned out and may be tempted to see if I can find more in the future.

Hopefully I'll source some bases soon so I can get them finished and will see about getting one of the Vikings cleaned up and primed and ready to paint!

I do like these random little projects that result in all manner of unexpected and interesting meanders and will see how I get on with the assorted bits and bobs but in the meantime, All the best!