I’m off on my hols to sunny Shropshire for a week but spotted that Nic Evans of Mammoth Miniatures has a new game going through Kickstarter at the moment and immediately backed it!
Based on the art and stories of William Morris, I’m fascinated to see how the game goes and combined with Nic’s evocative artwork, William Morris fonts and style and some lovely characterful sculpts, not to mention Nic’s trademark quirky rules, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
Here’s a link to the Kickstarter: In The Land of the Sundering Flood and if you fancy backing a rather unique project, give it a bash!
That sounds interesting and very odd. The only thing I can remember about Morris and SFF was a novel where everyone lived peacefully in a rural Socialist utopia, which doesn't sound very good for wargaming! The pictures make me think of Aubrey Beardsley, which could be interesting. I'll have a look!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading my way through his book called the Sundering Flood at present and it is pretty odd but rather evocative!
DeleteI do love Nic's games though so we'll see what the game turns out like!
News from nowhere was Morris' socialist utopian novel - certainly no use to most wargamers.
DeleteFor this project I'm drawing on his fantasy books - The sundering flood, The woods beyond the world, the well at the worlds end, and a few others here and there. They were an attempt at recreating the kinds of medieval romance that the arts and crafts movement loved, so whilst they lack the full scale war of tolkien or the aggressive skull splitting of conan, they feature many knights and brigands, daring adventures and feats of valour. The sundering flood especially features lots of blood filled swashbuckling (it's just hidden by the medieval style prose) as well as magical swords, sorceresses, rebellious knights trying to overthrow a king, dwarves, Fae, ghosts, skinners, all sorts of grist for the fantasy wargame mill.
I'm a few chapters in of The Sundering Flood and the world building has been fascinating to read and the stories are rather good but the medieval prose is making it one I'm having to really concentrate while reading!
DeleteLooking forward to delving into the game though as it's very different from the more Grimdark projects that seem to be doing so well with miniature skirmish games of late.
Glad to see how well the Kickstarter is going and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the rules work as from your description, it's rather different from either Planet 28 or Brutalquest.
I think this does sound really interesting. Morris' work is very stylish, and I wonder if he was an inspiration to people like Michael Moorcock. I like the idea of non-Tolkien, non-grimdark skirmish gaming (I'm quite tired of both styles), and this sounds like an interesting alternative!