Ive updates some Stainless Steel Rat stuff onto my other blog but heres a pic of the police chief and his guards:
Police Chief and Guards!
As requested heres a review of the miniatures themselves!
The miniatures are from two of the ranges available from 15mm.co.uk and theres quite a bit of difference quality wise between them.
First off theres the Laserburn adventurer with cape. This guy is really nicely detailed and paints up very nicely and has proven to be just the thing to represent my police chief. Hes armed with a pistol and sword and needed to be painted up to look a bit flash so hes got a nice red cloak, gold belt (possibly concealing a shield generator) and the green and white uniform of a police officer. I also gave him a bit of a perma tan!
Next the troopers themselves. Armed with riot shields and body armour, not to mention shock mauls the thuggish law enforcement types act as both a riot squad and as a good bodyguard unit for the police chief. The miniatures themselves are pretty poor quality to be honest and their thick base makes them loom somewhat over their charge. I ended up painting them with facemasks as their features were so blocky that they just didnt look human. The high point of the pack is that they seem to be based on the police in the movie the Fifth Element. Maybe I need to find some suitable proxies for Corban Dallas and Leeloo...
Ive got another half dozen police ready to paint which are armed with a mixture of pistols and riot guns to give me a bit more hitting power. I also plan on fielding a couple of detectives and a pair of float disk riding officers and some generic uniformed police as well!
In future I doubt I will be ordering much from the newer ranges from 15mm.co.uk as the quality just isnt there for the price they are asking (coupled with rather extortionate postage and 'handling' costs!)
All the best!
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