
Tuesday 14 April 2020

Lockdown Day 22


As promised, here's some pics of the Witchlands shack that I built yesterday!

Constructed from cardboard, coffee stirrers and static grass, I was initially not liking the whole thing but as soon as I got a few drybrushes on it, I got a bit happier about it! I used a combination of techniques from the rather fun and retro Citadel Scenery book and the Wargames Terrain & Building book I mentioned in a previous post.

I even got a bit creative and made some tiny icicles on the building which was quite satisfying, if a bit simplistic looking.

I added a greenstuff skull to the side to make it a wee bit more interesting and covered the thatched roof with snow effect from Woodland Scenics. Sadly I'd had to add flow enhancer to it as it had almost dried out so it looks a bit watery now but still works for the most part. 

I need to make 2-3 more of these dishevelled abodes for my lowly undead serfs to live in and then I need to make the pine trees I've been pondering on for the last few months!

In other news, I've rummaged out my Shieldbash True Atronians and have cleaned them up and repaired them as best as possible but one has a head that's become detached, my one issue with the range is that although it's made in metal, the miniatures are really delicate and prone to breaking but I think I can fix it without too much hassle.

I'm also painting a couple of Syntha dudes who I found whilst looking for my Atronians and am using the miniatures as test pieces to try for a sleek, hightech look, much like my 15mm stuff that I posted a while ago.

There's also some sculpting underway which I hope to post some pics of once I have them finished and painted but that will probably be next week now as I have a fair amount of work to do on them before I get to the painting stage!

Commissar Moody has mentioned The World of Twilight and I must admit that I am sorely tempted by the wonderful world of the range. Maybe I'll dip my toe in and see how I get on but I really want to finish the Atronians for Shieldbash and my Flintloque stuff first. But they are really lovely figures and I suspect I would have a lot of fun working on them...

We shall have to see but for the time being, All the best!


  1. Nice and simple, a bit old-school but that fits the range imho.

    Great to hear you're actually considering World of Twilight. The models are a pleasure to paint up.

    1. Thanks!

      It has the exact dimensions of the peasant's shack from the how to make scenery book that Games Workshop put out in the early 90's!

      As for the World of Twilight, I think I'm going to cave and buy some as they really are lovely looking little miniatures!
