
Monday 13 April 2020

Lockdown Day 21


Well I've spent much of today working on building a small peasant shack for my Deadloque project and will get some pics up over the next few days.

As it's looking like the lockdown isn't going to be ending any time soon, I have found myself casting around for another small project that I can complete and tick off the list. At present my gaming table is in pieces as I'm still sorting through my man cave with all our many, many books sorted but still having to get the miniatures and art materials seen to so playing any games is currently out of the question till I have the place fully back in order.

I think I will need to spend tomorrow going through my unpainted lead to see what I have and what I can put together in the coming week as I feel the need to work on some more stuff, preferably themed around a setting or particular rules.

One such mini project that instantly springs to mind is Zombiesmith's War of Ashes, Shieldbash. A few years back I picked up some True Atronians during one of their sales and I painted up a couple of the miniatures but got distracted by various things (I think it was a change of shop location as I was living near Dundee but having to commute to Perth every day looking back at it)

There's something pleasingly Muppet like about the little figures (they are mounted on 20mm round bases!) and I still have about a dozen figures to paint from that little warband so I think I'll rummage out the remainder and get them cleaned, based and primed and see how I get on with them. I highly recommend the rules too as they are rather good and available for free!

I'll need to do a bit of repair work on them too as I am fairly sure that last time I spotted them, they were looking a little bit worse for wear so I'll need to look at them and see what I can do to get another quirky mini project done and dusted.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. Zombie smith has some awesome figs and settings. The world of Twilight might also be up your ally.

    1. I had forgotten about the World of Twilight! I may need to have a peek at them too! I wish Relics was still readily available as I wouldn't mind picking up some of them as well!

      I wish there was a UK distributor for Zombiesmith as it's a tad pricey to get them!

  2. I've been on edge about these models a few times before. Shipping from the US is holding me back though.

    If you do World of Twilight you would be my hero :D. Big fan of the game and range.

  3. Oh yeah, I had forgotten about relics as well. ZS is pretty great, and when I lived in the Bay area I could just pop on over and pick the orders up from them.
    But even now, I don't have to pay the vat and shipping taxes. that you guys in the UK have to deal with.

  4. This comic stuff is not my piece of cake, but they're lovely painted!
