
Tuesday 16 April 2019

Messing About With Epic


Sadly hobby time has had to be suspended for the time being as we've got guests visiting so the man cave has been converted back to a bedroom but I've taken the opportunity to have a sneaky peek at some of my posts over the last few years and have taken a bit of a hankering for some more Epic shenanigans!

While I'm tempted to have a go at creating a massive army ala Epic Space Marine with entire companies of troops and tons of titans, superheavy tanks I'm much more likely to actually paint up some slightly more modest forces.

Epic Imperial Guard!

With that in mind, I will be using Epic 40k as at least the basis for some skirmishes featuring something more like reinforced platoons or possibly even smaller by converting some more stats for use with Song of Blasters!

I managed a couple of games last year using both systems and rather enjoyed the experience so think I will use it as an opportunity to both flesh out my current armies and build a few new ones too!

What I loved about Epic 40k other than the super streamlined system was in the original rulebook, the sample forces were essentially 6mm scale versions of 2nd edition 40k armies as can be seen with Force Firestorm:

 As you can see, it's pretty small with just a command squad plus two tactical squads plus a smattering of vehicles which was very doable in 2nd edition 40k and I've got plenty of gubbins that wouldn't be too much effort to paint up something similar!

Better yet, with a bit of effort, I could even use my old Codexes a bash to actually put together some teeny versions of a 40k force!

I'll need to rummage my bits boxes to see what I've got and I suspect I need some more lipped bases but I'm raring to have a go and if it gets me painting and gaming, all the better!

In other news, I've now got a Dwarven steamtank formation or two built and ready to paint for my ongoing 2mm project and I've got the makings of my Orc Carnosaurs to work on too and once the gaming room come library is back in place I'll be showcasing my progress and trying out Land Ironclads with some reinforcements!

All in all it's proving to be rather a satisfying week but I'm once again finding myself lured by 28mm and am having to resist as best as I can as I know I'm unlikely to make a go of any larger scale project that I start. Hopefully I'll be distracted by my smaller scale gubbins but if all else fails, maybe I should have a go at putting together a Mordheim style warband to test out the waters...

Anyhoo, for the meantime All the best!


  1. Great write up. I miss Epic 40k and wish I still had my miniatures for it (I collected Orks).

  2. Mmmm... Epic...

    One more system I drooled while thinking about back days totally beyond my reach.
    One day I'll assemble battleforce... One day...

  3. Me and a friend played some 'Travel 40k' with 2nd edition. It's certainly not hard to do.
    Looking forward to see what you're cooking up on the 2mm front.

  4. There's definitely something cool about the old epic stuff. It's something to do with the bright colours, too. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  5. I have at least five big scale Epic armies... which I never play with. :D
