
Friday 26 April 2019

Aldi Gaming Mat


I'd noticed mention on assorted sites over the last week that Aldi were selling a grass effect mat that many in the wargaming community suspected would do for a gaming mat so when we were out today getting our shopping, I nipped in and had a peruse.

They only had one left, the dark green one at that and at first I wasn't too sure but my ever patient wife suggested I should pick it up anyway as it's only £6.99 and we could use it for something else if it wasn't suitable for gaming. I must admit that I am super glad that I heeded her advice!

Gaming Mat!

Measuring 1x2 metres, it's perfect for gaming purposes and I had originally planned on chopping it in two for use as two skirmish mats, one green and the other somewhat snow covered but having plopped it on my 3'x3' board, I find myself sorely tempted to keep the full length as is as there's something pleasingly retro about it that got me thinking about those classic White Dwarf battle reports where either the Old World or some far flung planet had vivid green boards.

15mm scale shot

While our library most definitely hasn't got space for anything as grand as a classic 6'x4' gaming board, I do think that with a bit of bodging, I could just about manage a 5'x3' or am I being a mentalist? I'm not sure but I find myself trawling through the old Citadel terrain book for inspiration and itching to make some simple scenery to add to it and recreate some of those classic stylings!

 28mm scale shot

I think for £6.99 it's proved to be a total bargain and with a little bit of drybrushing and addition of flock it will look the business and if you've got an Aldi near you, it's well worth a peruse to see if they've got any left.

Zombie Musketeer

It's a nice change from all the desert landscapes I've been working with over the last decade or so and I'm going to use the opportunity to explore some more retro gaming so watch this space.

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. That does look good, in quite an old-school way. I might go and have a look for one. There are a lot of nice mats out there, but they always seem rather expensive, so this sounds like a good idea. Good find!

  2. Not sure if this makes it to Australia, I will check it out though, the mat looks as if it was totally worth the price.
    Like you said there's something adorably retro (and nostalgic) about a grass mat like this.

  3. Yes, it looks the part. Thanks' for showing it.
