
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Mutant Warband Part 1


Following on from my last post, I have decided to create a small Mutant warband using a bit of a combination of the mutant tables from Rogue Trader and a little low cunning!

Heres the results:

First up I need a leader for my warband so settled on rolling a D6 and consulting the following chart:
1-2 Level 5 Champion
3-4 Level 10 Hero
5 Level 15 Hero
6 Level 20 Hero

I rolled a 6 so I get a very powerful character to lead the warband but he is currently totally generic so I roll D3 for Mutations and get  a 1. Although he's a Mutie, he's not going to be totally weird looking. Consulting the Rogue Trader Mutation Chart I roll a 92 and get a Timeslip mutation allowing the character to move forward in time at will and vanish from the game for a random amount of time.

Already he is beginning to sound more interesting but what about equipment?

I Rolled a D3-1 for basic weapons and got a Shuriken catapult and another for close combat weapons but got none.

Next up D3 Miscellaneous Equipment and ended up with a Bio Scanner and a Flight Pack!

Lastly, I rolled for a random piece of armour and got Carapace.

Now my Mutant leader has been created, I figured he should have some underlings to do his bidding!

D6 Mutants later and I got the following characters, each with D3 Mutations:

Mutie 1: Hideous Appearance
Mutie 2: Arms Elongate at Will and Very Agile
Mutie 3: Metal Body, Overgrown Body Part (Leg, -2 Weapon Skill and -50% move), Arms Elongate at will
Mutie 4: Long Nose, Enormously Fat
Mutie 5: Bestial Face, Great Fangs

Equipment wise, they all ended up with Chainmail as its good and primitive for a bunch of sump dwelling Mutie scum!

They got access to D3 Basic Weapons and D6 Close Combat Weapons and got a Lasgun and another Shuriken Catapult, not to mention a Hand Flamer, Jokero Digital Laser, a Hand Weapon and a chainsword.

Finally they got a 50% chance of a random piece of equipment but failed to claim any swag.

This gives me a mutant leader armed with a piece of cutting edge alien tech, heavy armour and a flight pack who can also timeslip at will! Hows that for a villain to cause all kinds of woes on the battlefield, especially when combined with his retinue of more seriously mutated scum!

The last thing to do was give him a name. A quick tour over to Seventh Sanctum (a handy website with all manner of interesting name and equipment generators) and Flickerblink the Ever Traveling is born!

I now have a really great little warband that literally oozes character. I could try and find suitable figures but I am rather tempted to sculpt up the members of the group as they sound so interesting!

Progress to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I've been sculpting Flickerblink the Ever Traveling and hopefully will have some pics on Monday and then hope to get some of his underlings done. I think I will be converting stuff rather than sculpting them though but we shall see.

    The whole random character and warband generator is absolutely brilliant fun and seems to generate utterly unique and characterful results which I would never thought of otherwise!

    All the best!
