
Sunday 16 March 2014

Imperial Wolfbane Commando


A bit of a blast from the past here with an old Wolfbane Commando from Warzone!


He is actually one of the first miniatures I bought after giving up on Games Workshop and giving away my collection and was sat painted to a rather iffy standard for years until I finally stripped him back this week.

I do have fond memories of using him and his kin in many a solo game of Warzone as the few gamers in town were die hard 40k fans. Ah the joys of being a teenager!

I went for the traditional leather brown colours on his armour and Rogue Trader wise, he will be classed as a feral world henchman armed with a sword and bolt pistol. I do have several more commando's kicking around in the Dettol bath and hope to get some more worked on as time allows!

All the best!


  1. I was never a particular fan of Warzone, although I have picked up a number of the figures over the years for use in skirmish games. That guy looks great, perfect for RT style games.

  2. Seeing these always makes me smile :)

    I remember these commandos were worthy opponent for my necromuntants and undead legionairees. I should still have one or two unpainted somewhere so looks like I've just got a solid candidate for the next painting project...


  3. Great looking fig. Really like the eclectic clothing and the beard. Never understood in the grim darkness if the far future there is only war... Apparently fought by clean shaven pretty boys.
    I'm off to ebay. Cheers.
