
Friday 14 February 2014

The Orkish Menace!


Another day at work over and how better to relax than by posting some random musings!

Since starting this blog, I have been trying to sort out my idea of Oldhammer/ Cheaphammer/ Budgethammer or whatever one calls it and I have been thinking about creating some warbands with the eventual hope of playing a game or two. Alas my man cave isn't as big as I would like and my gaming budget is likewise rather slim these days. Combine this with my almost entire lack of spare time and one is left with few options.

Fortunately I seem to be enjoying painting again which has been a great relief and it has been great to work through the assorted and eclectic figures I have in my collection. Sadly my shotgun approach to painting doesn't help building a warband as I had been vaguely planning on which brings me onto the topic of my current rambling!

I have had a hankering to try out some Rogue Trader/Necromunda hybrid games and happened upon these chaps while I was visiting a local gaming store:


While the store itself was a bit poor (virtually no stock and the usual herd of regulars who either stare at you like you are intruding or chat to the owner so much that you are ignored while trying to pay!) and I doubt I will be back but I did pick up some Mantic Orx Marauders. When I got home, I had a bit of a poke around the box and was pleasantly surprised. The Restic material holds detail very well and it cleans up without any bother at all and other than a few bent bits that should be fairly easy to sort out, I am really pleased with them.

I had been pondering the use of the newer GW Orks to bolster my Orky warband but just don't like the sculpts (or price!) and after rummaging through my bits box, I found I had a few of the old plastic Orks and a pair of Rogue Trader Orks that would fit the bill to bulk out the force a little bit.

The styles may vary a bit but otherwise, I think that with a lick of paint they should look decent in my warband that I am planning. The higher level of tech is also a bit of a happy coincidence as I want to field Orks with a variety of tech!

Proper Bright Orks!

Now onto the force itself! I plan on fielding a number of small warbands with about half a dozen or so figures in each. Each will be themed around a different concept and in the case of the Bloodaxes, it will be a raiding party operating on the borders of my reimagined Imperial space.

Yes, I am going for the unOrkiest of Orks! I love the original background for the clan with their aping of Imperial dress and tactics as well as their ability to hire Human mercenaries (often secretly Imperial Agents sent to sow discord amongst the Orkish ranks!) The initial force will consist of what I have at the mo and will eventually include one or two specialists which may then be expanded into their own small warband. For example I currently only have a single Kommando who will be the units infiltration and sabotage expert but who may eventually be joined by other like minded Orks to form their own unit.

Orkish Style

This approach is already bearing fruit as I have also looked out some Imperial Guard to act as foes for the Orks to skirmish against and hope to flesh out the force as and when possible.

One thing I do want to feature are the more fun and random elements of an Ork force such as Weirdboyz and more importantly a Madboy or two. I also hope to experiment with a different style of play where both sides have activation cards for each trooper as well as a few random ones representing unexpected events, misfortunes and oddball situations to liven things up. It will be a bit like the scenario generator from the old Rogue Trader rulebook which had literally hundreds of fantastic plot hooks and scenario elements that really set the imagination going and made for a far more interesting experience than a rather dull and boring straight up fight.

Mad Mob!

I hope to post more detail on the idea soon but its all sort of floating around at the moment so will need to be written up a bit before I jabber on about it any more. I do hope to get some Bloodaxes painted up soon though to keep me going!

All the best!


  1. Sounds really interesting. I hope things go how you want them to. It'd be great to see a battle report on these, as well as some painted shots of the models. any big conversion plans?

  2. Hi!

    Thanks for the comments! I suspect it may be a while till I get them finished now I'm back at work!

    I did fiddle around with some old Ork heads on the Mantic Marauder bodies but eventually settled with using the existing ones as they look good enough. I do plan on doing a little conversion work on the larger powered armour though!

    All the best!
