
Thursday 13 February 2014

Assorted Ponderings


Well I've had an interesting few days up to and including a thrilling day long course on health and safety with exam and am enjoying my day off immensely!

I've managed to finish off a couple of figures too. One is a classic Orc while the other is a modern sculpt of a female warrior and they have been as different as chalk and cheese when it came to painting.

 Savage Orc

I found this chap in my bits box and loved the look of the jaw so decided to have a bash at trying out a new recipe for Orc skin tones that I want to use for my Orky warbands. It looks a bit on the bright side but I am really pleased with how he turned out. The sculpt has lots of character and despite a few rough spots, was a joy to paint and looks great.

Warrior Woman

Next up this Hasslefree warrior woman has been stripped of its original paint job and repainted. I must admit I found this a very different experience from the Orc. Although technically very well sculpted, proportioned and armoured, I must admit I found painting her both frustrating and a bit of a chore to be frank. I can't help but feel there's just no character to her which I know may be heresy for lots of folks who love Kev Whites sculpts but I would far rather paint a load of old and a times slightly cartoony sculpts than too many more technically good but slightly dull figures!

Now enough navel gazing about the merits or otherwise of old and new sculpts and onto something a bit more interesting!

Over the last few posts as I regained my painting mojo, I have been pondering on the possibility of putting together some small warbands for both Fantasy and Sci-fi using a mixture of Mordheim, Fantasy Battle, Necromunda or Rogue Trader. The fantasy stuff is really getting there now with my Dwarves almost up to strength, closely followed by Chaos and Dark Elf warbands.

The Sci-fi stuff is somewhat lagging but I do hope to get some more gubbins added soon but my main issue thus far has been looking at the assorted warbands lists out there and being somewhat put off!

By this I mean I don't want to have to use the stuff that they give you the option of. For example, the Dark Elves for Mordheim are made up of Corsairs and Shades for the most part. Now this will make for a characterful warband but I don't really want to field them. My Dark Elves look more like a bunch of spoiled nobles so don't really fit the bill. Likewise, most figures are unarmoured initially but my Dwarves all field helmets, chainmail and shields!

Therefore the plan is to cheat a bit! Looking at some of the other blogs out there, folks using a combination of 40k 2nd edition and Necromunda seem to have struck a note with me. By limiting forces to 100 points, and using the Necromunda or Gorkamorka stats, people are creating really interesting little forces without bothering about what you supposedly can and can't do!

I love this old school approach and will be embracing it to create some interesting warbands using what I have and not worrying too much about what is allowed and what's not!

All the best!


  1. That's exactly would you should do. Don't worry about what's right or wrong, just put a characterful group of figures together, tie them together with a good backstory and play scenarios that develop the story with fun and silly games! Good luck!

  2. Yes, I agree. One shouldn't have to feel restricted by ones rules. They're supposed to open up possibilities, not limit them.

    I've often felt this way about Necromunda...I love the rules but couldn't see any way around the gang creation restrictions other than just playing 'counts as'. But I think you're right about just using the stats and points and hanging the rest!
