
Sunday 24 June 2012



I've been perusing my old copies of Warzone after seeing a really excellent topic on LEAD ADVENTURE featuring some lovely painted miniatures.

It got me to  thinking about the possibility of getting some Warzone figures (mine were sold off many moons ago in a moment of madness) and trying to play some games of the 1st edition of the rules which I have always preferred to the newer ones as they really aim towards small skirmishes between a couple of squads and the odd individual.

Warzone 1st Edition!

Sadly the range is now out of production and while some of it is still available from Prince August, I have had rather poor experience with them as many of the figures they do still have are riddled with lead rot and their shipping is a tad steep!

Meanwhile looking on eBay is proving to be equally fraught as Warzone figures are selling for rather a lot of money at present so another approach is required. I had thought of using proxy miniatures to represent the likes of Blood Berets and Captiol troops but the style of the Warzone figures was so different with their chunky sculpts and huge shoulderpads that a hefty amount of converting would be needed to produce the required results.

Therefore I am going to take the plunge and sculpt my own. I had a bash at sculpting a Blood Beret in 28mm scale but it was so awful that I discarded it entirely! Therefore I am going to stick to what I am good at and work on making them in 15mm scale instead!

This will allow me to quickly get a force put together and play some games in my very limited gaming space. I also plan on speeding up the process a bit by making some moulds of them so I can churn out some duplicates instead of having to make every single one by hand!.

I am also thinking of taking a bit of an unusual route to gaming the Warzone setting as I want to play games set on Dark Eden rather than Mars, Venus or Mercury. I have been reading the background for the wasteland of Earth and its really got some possibilities!

I must admit I am a sucker for a post apocalyptic setting with giant warbeasts and hideous mutants and Dark Eden has lots of both!

Fortunately the Corporations and the Brotherhood all have outposts on the planet along with the Dark Legion so I will be able to add lots more bits and bobs to my forces!

Brotherhood Expedition

The Warzone setting is fully as rich and interesting as the 40k setting and some of the illustration work that went into it was stunning and over the next day or so I will post some background on the various corporations, the Brotherhood and the Dark Legion!

Warzone deserves a bit of love and attention so I am going to rework a page or two to it!

All the best!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Its been interesting to see just how popular Warzone still is and its a real shame no-one has picked up the rights to produce it again. Both it and Chronopia were great games with some fantastic settings and its a real shame that they aren't still in production!

    They were the first company to really challenge GW but the 2nd edition of the Warzone game was to be honest a bit poor and I just didn't like the change to mass battle and art style so I will be sticking to 1st edition!

    Hopefully some day Warzone will re-emerge but until then I guess its up to us to keep it going!

    All the best!
