
Saturday 23 June 2012

6th Edition 40k: Meh to the Tome of Doom


I had mentioned a while back about my interest in the upcoming release of the new 40k. Well its up for preorder now but good grief, it costs £45 and is two inches thick!

The Tome

Looking back at the older editions, one would get the rules and a load of figures for that amount of cash and the thought of having the mighty tome to wade through is enough to drive one to madness. I know the gamers edition will come out with the new box set (which apparently isn't due out till September!) but the thought of having to spend that much money just for the rules is more than a little off putting to say the least!

As yet theres no real information on whats in the book itself rule wise or indeed fluff related but I found myself looking at it and going "meh". I may be a bit jaded but its just not that exciting, especially as GWs marketing campaign can only be described as utterly crap. The biggest release in years from the biggest game company in the world and the only build up we got was some naff flaming eagles on Youtube.

Other companies have done a great deal more to big up their new games which has proved far more interesting and attention grabbing than GWs attempts with the likes of Mantic even showing concept art for planned releases and more shockingly looking for feedback from gamers on how they could improve their game. It just strikes me as a bit lazy the GW just assumes all the fan boys will froth and wet themselves over the new book without them needing to bother advertising it.

Surprisingly I will be giving it a miss unless its A, revamped the rules greatly to update the very creaky ones they use currently and B, moved the background forward. I would be surprised if GW did either to be honest as 40k is their cash cow and they seem utterly unwilling to touch it, instead dumbing it down to the point of boredom.

I know I sound like a GW basher but I honestly wanted to like the new game and was seriously considering giving it a bash. Seeing that it would probably set me back £200+ to get even a small force put together I am going to stick to my current projects as I am having much more fun with them as I cannot reasonably sink that much cash into 40k!

Oh well! I still have my 2nd edition project to give me the fix of 40kness. Interestingly the project seems to be constantly developing and evolving. Originally intended as a way for me to collect an Imperial Guard force for 2nd edition its now changed into much more of a skirmish type of project with lots of bits and bobs from other games, companies and even settings.

Theres a bit of Kryomek, some Warzone, Necromunda, Inquisitor, Rogue Trader and many more oddments being thrown in for good measure. Maybe its because I have played other non GW games and painted miniatures from other companies but I cant help but feel that I want to use whatever figures I want and customise rules to suit my requirements and enjoyment of my hobby.

All the best!


  1. I bought the WHFB Tome of Doom a couple of years back for Saul and I would guess it is pretty much unopened as it is too big to be of any practical use. The A5 booklet that comes with the boxed set is better utilised.

  2. O, you'll find the smal book on Ebay for around $20 if the last boxed set was anything to go by. I pretty much haven't played a game of 40K since 2nd Ed mainly due to the rules changing and becoming a bland mess of "meh" when compared to RT and 2nd Ed. Now, saying that, the rumours I've read about the new rules being introduced mae the game sound like they are trying to bring back some of the more fun (And by "fun" I mean, less serious streamlined style made more for idiots and 10-year-olds) to the game - something I feel 5th Ed was sorely lacking.

    I won't be buying this tome. Dependent on price and content, I "might" purchase the boxed set, though more likely will just piecemeal the pieces I want from Ebay. My greatest problem is that none of my mates are willing to try to get into the game, nor to spend out on the kind of $$$ that it would require. I could go to my LGS, but I've never been a fan of playing strangers for fear of having to beat someone's face in after they reveal themselves as the stereotypical unpleasant gamer that ruins the game for everyone involved. :)
