
Monday, 24 February 2025

Orc Reinforcements


Well we're rapidly approaching the end of February and I've got the second batch of Orcs finished and begun work on the third and as it's a lovely morning, I've managed to get some decent photos of them!

Orc Archer, Gladiator, Beermaster, Spearman

I've almost finished the low level stuff with a single archer to paint and have begun work on some of the character and boss type figures from the set.

The Warband thus far

The figures have been really nice to paint and I've actually surprised myself by not losing interest in the project but just keep chipping away at it and it's been really rewarding to see a decent sized Orc warband start to form. 

Beer Master

The character and boss type models are rather fun and I did have some interesting ideas for how I'm going to represent the Beer Master in games.

Beer Masters Barrel of Bugmans

Using a mixture of speedpaints to block in colours before highlighting and shading has sped up the process somewhat and brought the best out of the models themselves and hopefully I've managed to avoid leaving any mould lines on the figures as they're a real pain to clear off the soft plastic but despite this, they do paint up pretty well, if I do say so myself!

Speaking of which, my favourite figure thus far is the big mutated chaps, of which you get two in the set:

Gorath's Chosen

I've not quite finished his base yet but he's an intimidating figure and I spent quite a bit of time painting him but figured he's worth the extra effort.

Many washes were done on his skin and armour followed by a wee bit highlighting to give the impression of rusted and battered armour over his uncouth hide.

As you can see, he's a chunky guy who towers over the already large Orc infantry figures and will make for a fantastic boss type of character to really challenge opposing warbands.

Longmyre Militia about to have a very bad day.

Once I've got the big guy's base done, I'm moving onto an Orc Butcher figure who also has loads of character but think once he's done, I may take a break to paint something else as that will mark 50% of the box being complete and I want to try something else, possibly reinforcing the Longmyre militia with some extra troops as they're decidedly outnumbered at the moment.

I also want to start work on some characters, adventuring parties and whatnot so I can actually get the campaign up and running so we'll see how we get on in the coming weeks but until then, All the best!


  1. Wow, these are all fantastic! Top notch paintjob, I love the colours on the skins, all the textures, that armour... everything!

    1. Many thanks!

      I'd originally planned on painting them green but wanted to go for something a bit more earthy and realistic.

      I've just finished another Orcy boy, this time a butcher who was massive amounts of fun to paint so watch this space!

  2. A terrible day to be a militian...
    I’m always impressed by your use of NMM even when painting lowly goons. That might take me ages!
    I’ve made peace with metallic colours thanks to the new Vallejo Chainmail, I must say.

    1. Many thanks!

      I must admit that I don't do proper NMM as I just don't have the patience for it but have a bodge that seems to mostly work!

      I wish I could get decent finishes with traditional metallics as its so much quicker but I've not been able to find a satisfactory metallic paint to do the job!

      I'll have to take a peek at the Vallejo paints as I do love their old golds but I've long since run out!

  3. Those look great. I really like the way you've done the armour - both realistic and cartoony, somehow. The skin tones are very good too. Nice work!
