
Saturday, 15 February 2025

Back from Holiday!


Well I'm back from my hols and been busy at work over the course of the week with no real opportunity to get much done for my Longmyre campaign other than getting some bases done for the new additions to my Orcish raider party which I hope to be able to showcase in the next couple of days once I've got the last one finished!

In other news, Nic Evans' In the Land of the Sundering Flood has successfully funded which is rather exciting and from the bits and bobs he's posted as updates, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on my copy too!

With all this fantasy shenanigans, I've also been looking through my assorted rulebook collection to see what other games would fit my low fantasy skirmish that I've bee slowly developing and I've found a few likely titles which I'll post about over the next few days along with some mini reviews of them too.

I've also been casting envious eyes at some other blogs to see what exciting stuff the authors are working on and it never ceases to amaze me how creative you all are! Apologies if I don't always post comments but I do love perusing folks gaming projects and speaking of which, I'm amazed to see how the new Old World Army Challenge is developing this year and it's giving me the mad hankering to try my hand at doing something a bit more than a handful of figures over the course of the year.

I'm trying to tamper my enthusiasm for such an insane project because I suspect I'll never get it done but still...

Hopefully I'll recover my senses but we shall see and hopefully tomorrow I'll get the 8th Orc for my painting challenge finished!

In the meantime, All the best!

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