
Tuesday 13 August 2024

Kind of Stuck


Apologies for the lack of updates but I seem to have got myself into one of my occasional hobby slumps where I just can't seem to find anything that I want to sit down and paint.

I've picked up and put down a ton of different things but can't seem to find anything thats really getting my attention or indeed interest which is most infuriating but something that does seem to happen from time to time.

While miniature gaming has kind of left me cold, I've been enjoying pottering around with some solo rpg's which is giving me a bit of creative freedom but I do wonder if I need to have a bit of a small gaming project that will get me back into the swing of things.

Over the last few years I've been more than happy going my own way which has been awesome fun but I do think that a bit more focus on a small project could be just what I need to rekindle the wargaming side of my hobby.

I'll have a rummage and see what I've got that could possibly do the job but I'm currently unsure what to do!

Fingers crossed, I'll get myself sorted out and post without a months delay but in the meantime, all the best!


  1. I think this happens to all of us at some point. A rest can be good for you. Playing rpg's isn't a sin either. At least it's gaming.
    How about some small action between two rival knightly revenues? Perhaps a dozen a side, knight, men-at-arms and a few peasant archers.

  2. I've had something a bit like this with my writing. In the last year, I've found that painting miniatures gives me a sense of achievement that writing sometimes doesn't. So sometimes it's about having bigger projects and smaller distractions to tide things over. I did really like the pictures you've been doing recently. Have you ever thought about drawing semi-professionally? I have a friend who illustrates RPG books part-time. Something like that?
