
Friday 3 November 2023

Holiday Haul!


We're just back from a very relaxing and much needed holiday down in sunny Wem.

While we were there, we visited a fair few stately homes and castles which was brilliant fun and much to my pleasant surprise, we discovered that there's a charity bookshop in each of the National Trust properties and I picked up quite a haul from them!

Alongside a stack of Brian Jacques Redwall books, Loius L'Amore westerns and assorted art books, my wife spotted these for the princely sum of £3!

Now I'm not sure if I'll ever play D&D but the books will be good reference for my ongoing solo shenanigans.

We also found some Warhammer goodies in a Oxfam bookshop:

Admittedly they're 7th edition so towards the end of the Old World but there's some interesting reading material and I do love me some Dwarven gubbins!

Finally we nipped into e-Collectica Games in Shrewsbury and much to my excitement I found some Colostle job packs.

I still need to pick up the Inventor pack but I'm really looking forward to adding these packs into my ongoing Colostle campaign as they'll ad some really interesting elements into my games.

I had intended on nipping into Spirit Games to peruse their stock but was saddened to find out that their shop has closed down and they're only mail order now as its without doubt the best wargaming store I've been in since the good old days of Mac's Models in Edinburgh so I'll need to nip onto their online store and pick up something for old times sake!

In other news, I'm slowly painting up some Stargrave troopers for my Planet 28 Death in the Throne Room campaign but I don't have enough completed to warrant a full post yet but hopefully I'll have enough done by the end of my hols to show here.

I seem to be having a bit of a hobby wobble at the moment as I can't seem to concentrate on one single thing and constantly find myself tempted by Rogue Trader, Planet 28, Rangers of Shadowdeep, Five Leagues from the Border, Battletech, Heavy Gear Blitz, 6mm skirmishing, Dracula's America, Aeronef and many, many more games and whatnot which is fun but resulting in me not getting much actually done!

I suspect that I'll thrash things out eventually but in the meantime, its probably going to result in me posting all sorts of random tat while I work my way through it but thats a post for another day so until then, All the best!


  1. Is your Death in the Throne Room campaign a solo affair?

    Nice haul from a pleasant sounding trip. Your missus sounds a lot more understanding of your hobby needs and wants than my own is of mine! LOL

    1. Its an official campaign from Mammoth Miniatures and is more of a background with a bit of a light campaign to it and I've been using it solo without much difficulty.

      Amy is incredibly understanding of my nerdy hobby shenanigans, except when it comes to me trying to buy figures that I sold years before and regret and have the unfortunate urge to reaquire but now cost vastly more than when I sold them!

    2. O I have it and am one day planning to run it myself. For myself. (Because there are no gaming peoples ANYWHERE close to me in a 40-minute-drive radius...) Was just curious is all - though if you have any tips or are interested in offering suggestions for a good way to run the campaign solo I'd love to hear your thoughts?

      I tend to not tell Cort the real cost of my hobby. LOL Even though there are hobbies out there that truly cost a mint to pursue like golf or classic car rehab, etc, she cringes enough as it is when I mention wanting to pick up a new book or mini regardless. :)

    3. Hi!

      To be honest, I've been solo gaming for quite a few years since moving and I seem to be playing more stuff that I want and enjoying myself far more than I did with a regular opponent.

      For the Death in the Throne Room campaign, I give each force a very different set of objectives and scenarios to play. For example my Inquisition team is trying to gather information and assassinate cult leaders while the military are trying to strong arm and conquer locations and defeat foes.

      The noble faction is led by a madman and his objectives can be utterly random! The cult is trying to convert the populace and sabotage the succession whilst the Princess's faction is the smallest and has to try and keep the throne room whilst trying to rally support.

      Each game is played more like a RPG with me playing both sides but with a mindset of what each force is motivated by and what they focused on.

      I'll try and put together a bit of a post about how I play solo, especially using Planet 28!

      All the best!

  2. I've got that Warriors of Chaos book somewhere. It's quite good, I think. The castles and stately homes sound cool. I'd enjoy that. Good luck with the Stargrave troopers - I really like their plastic models.
