
Sunday 2 July 2023

Tiny Goblins for Leviathan


As promised, here's the next addition to my Leviathan project in the form of a unit of Goblin archers.

As with my other tiny troops, they're made from small cubes of sculpey and detailed with pieces of EVA foam. While they may not be too detailed, they will do the trick for simple gaming miniatures!

As they are so small and stylised, I concentrated on getting typically Goblin features, such as pointy ears and big noses so they are readily recognisable from a distance. I had originally intended to paint them in the mustard yellow that Goblins are depicted as being in the rulebook but settled on a more traditional green as my paint collection is starting to show its age and some of the pots I've had for the best part of a decade are starting to dry out.

In Leviathan, Goblins are a slave race who basically act as cannon fodder for the Orcish horde but they do have quite good ranged combat so I've armed them with shortbows so on the faint chance they don't get shot to pieces by Dwarven artillery, they will be able to snipe back with their puny arrows.

I've also finished a unit of Great Orcs but will post pictures of it when I get the chance to complete work on their bases but I'm looking forward to making some warbeasts to give my forces some real punch and lets face it, they are the real focus of the game. 

I also need to make myself some characters to lead my army so I think I'll be concentrating on building some more of the core army choices that I need for the game as looking at the points allocation chart from Leviathan:

I'm planning on putting together a 1000 point army which I figure is the absolute minimum size force I can get away with as each army has required units and the Orcish horde requires 2 units of Orc infantry and 1 unit of Goblins.

If I make myself some standard bearers and a few unit leaders, I will end up with two units of eight Orcs and a large unit of 12 Goblins or two smaller 6 man units which covers the force requirements. I do need to spend 300 plus points on monsters though which is a lot, but also at this sized force, not that much!

I must admit that one of my pet peeves with Leviathan is the force construction requirements as its almost physically impossible to build an army at less than 1000 points. It does remind me of the old Warhammer Fantasy 3rd edition rules which requires you to have minimum units but it doesn't really fit in with the setting as well as I'd like. For example, I'd really love to include an Orc Necrodon cavalry unit but that doesn't fit in with the force structure, despite it being thematically more in keeping with the Mongol horde feel of the army.

I suspect that I'm going to end up making whatever I want and seeing how things go to be honest but at the very least, the points allocation system does give me a framework of what I need to try and get made first.

Hopefully I will have the next couple of units finished over the course of this week as I'm on holiday and I've enjoyed making the simple sculpts too!

I do want to explore the world of Aeroth more closely so while I'm making these units, I will also be using my cardboard token units that I've had for ages to play a few games to get back into the swing of things and I do want to break out Brutalquest so I can get my Boar Company or Sir Roderick back into the field as well and I've also got some of my SD scale figures that I need to paint up and have a few plans for making some more to boot so no doubt I'm going to be kept busy over the coming week!

In the meantime, All the best!


  1. Replies
    1. Many thanks!

      I've got a bunch of bits and bobs planned for an assortment of projects so watch this space!
