
Tuesday 23 August 2022

Retro Warmachine


With all the excitement over the new 4th edition of Warmachine, I found myself perusing some of the rather fantastic Guerrilla Miniature Games battle reports over on Youtube. Ash has an uncanny ability to prove enthusiastic and engaging with a lot of games I'd not really thought of before and I've picked up several rulesets over the last year or so and following the urgings of one or two of my blog followers I've decided to dip my toe in the water.

I had originally thought of picking up the original Warmachine Prime as its readily available cheaply on ebay but I decided to do a bit of research first and it looks like the 2nd edition of the game is generally seen in the most favourable of lights so with a bit of a search, I found a copy of Warmachine Prime MkII for the princely sum of £2.00.

The copy I picked up is the hardback edition and is pretty much in mint condition which was a nice surprise and I'll be having a bit of a peruse through it for inspiration.

I must admit that I picked up the original 4 boxes for Warmachine when it first came out back in 2003 from Artemis Blacks and as my painting skills back then were decidedly mediocre, I ended up selling most of the miniatures, other than a couple of the Warcasters who made their way into my Rogue Trader collection after having sat unpainted for almost twenty years.

I'm presently unsure how I want to advance with the whole thing as while the figures are really pretty cheap at the moment, apparently the game kind of died the death during its last version and folks seem to be selling off collections for very reasonable sums, I really don't need more miniatures at the moment as I mentioned in my previous post we are going to be moving soon so more figures might not be a good idea...

Saying that, I may end up co-opting the setting and forces into Brutal Quest, try out building a small warband or even sculpting my own stuff but its definitely one for the back burner for the moment. As with all my projects, this is liable to change on a whim but we shall see. 

I doubt I'll pick up the new edition of the rules as I'm awkward like that and prefer pootling around with old editions or out of production stuff that nobody plays anymore but I may end up picking up the odd book or figure for a bit of a mini project once we're settled in our new place.

If nothing else, I will have a fresh source of background to peruse and may end up porting the whole lot into a skirmish setting ala Mordheim but with stompy steampowered robots...

In the meantime, All the best! 


  1. I've got those rules somewhere. They always seem extremely complex. Some of the old models are pretty ropey, although they've improved. I think I'd incorporate the best miniatures into Mordheim or Frostgrave. I've been using some Scyrah models as Eldar, but you do have to pick and choose. If ever you'd like a load of Trollbloods, let me know!

    1. I must admit that having read them, I doubt I'll use the rules but the setting is pretty interesting and some of the figures are really nice too!

  2. I was always interested, but never dove in. I'm a big mech fan, but not so much steam punk. I'll be interested to see what you end up doing. Some of the models are definitely cool looking!

    Now I kinda want one for a Frostgrave warband... love that idea.

    1. The super competitive nature of the game doesn't really appeal to me but I do like the figures and will probably end up picking up a few odds and ends to add to my collection!

  3. Getting into a game just as others are leaving seems to be a great way to save on dollars. It's often pretty cyclic too. I played once or twice and it didn't quite click for me. Seems like the key was waiting for the magic moment to trigger a bunch of abilities and try and down the enemy caster in a turn.

    1. Yeah, the battle reports I've watched pretty much hinge on that one lucky moment and I've heard it referred to as being like Magic the Gathering with miniatures which is pretty apt.

      It also seems to be geared to Tournament play which is something I really don't like as I far prefer scenario driven games which are fun over competitive.

  4. Played WM when it was first released with metal models etc. Was a fun game and version 2 rules made the game even better. Was just a shame that the rules set really rewards players who thrive on min-maxing and ultra competitive play. (Not me.) A tournament for the game was where I had the misfortune of witnessing one player threaten to end another's life due to poor ingame fortunes.

    Shortly after that I sold my collection aside from a few pieces I liked best and called it a day. It has fun lore and I really liked the mechanics for the Warlocks best over the warcasters themselves and that one really only needs 5-20 or so minis to create a playable warband.

    Great find for so little monies though!
