
Friday 11 February 2022

Rangers of Shadowdeep Project Log Part 3: Zombies!


I've finished the last of the zombies I need for the first scenario of my Rangers of Shadowdeep project:

This gives me enough stuff to play out the scenario as I have a load of giant rats and spiders done already as well as some random civilians but looking at my heroes and characters I find myself wanting to make a more varied cast of figures to choose from rather than just heavily armoured Boar Company troopers and characters.

This may mean that I've got to put off playing the first game a wee bit but I think it's going to be worthwhile in the long run as I'm really enjoying sculpting and painting my own stuff!

Speaking of which, I have been soldiering through my lead and plastic pile painting whatever odds and ends I have needing done and for the most part it's been pretty fun but I picked up one of the multipart Orks with the intention of adding to my Goff Ork warband but I found the process incredibly tedious as the figures lack character and I almost gave up. 

I'll post pictures of the warband as it grows as I do want to finish off the rest of the handful of Boyz but the more of the stuff of my own that I make and paint, the more I tempt myself to have a go at just sculpting all my own figures. Sadly this is a somewhat slower process but rather rewarding so I'll see how I get on with the next of the leadpile figures and find out if I enjoy painting it more as it may just be the more modern figures that I find tedious.

I'll try and get some more pics of the other gubbins I've been working on up tomorrow but in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Haha, these are so cool! Some fresh air into these ambientations, I love your work.

    1. Many thanks!

      I've been enjoying working on the little guys!

  2. Yes, the good idea fairy strikes again, with the need for more figs to pay the game. It's a never-ending struggle. But on the upside, you get to make a lot more of your great looking figs.

    1. Sadly this happens to me on a fairly regular basis and I'm almost constantly flitting between ideas and projects before inspiration strikes once again!

  3. Excellent work as ever. They're very characterful sculpts.
